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Spuder EventDialogues

Spuder has very complex action logic involving EventDialgoue because there are 3 different encounters behavior for them that greatly changes their action logic:

  1. The first encounter happens when flags 27 is false (not yet met with Moth) and flagvar 11 is 0
  2. The second encounter happens when flags 27 is false (not yet met with Moth) and flagvar 11 is 2
  3. The third encounter happens when flags 27 is true (met with Moth)

These encounters involve different EventDialogue and flows. The first 2 encounters logic differences will be documented here as they are more scripted alongside. For the third encounter, most of the logic is documented in the Spuder action page, but it involves 2 EventDialogues that will be documented here since they still affect the logic greatly.

These EventDialogue frequently makes use of CheckEvent to guide the flow. They also makes use of flagvar 11 to track the state of the encounters accross them.

First encounter

This is the first encounter that requires flags 27 to be false (not yet met with Moth) and flagvar 11 to be 0. It's assumed here that the player party is only composed of Beetle.

CheckEvent will detect these conditions when the first enemydata is Spuder and make it effectively unbeatable by setting its hp to 999 and its def to 99 as well as add an AntiPierce weakness if it wasn't present which cancels out any Pierce attacks. Even if the player can defeat them, the event will proceed as normal.

From there, the battle goes on as normal, but the Spuder action receives some heavy restrictions due to the same conditions above:

  • Spuder will always decide to use his bite attack move if their position is Ground
  • Due to the above, Spuder will never attempt to rise in the air to Flying, but an exception to this occurs where it will always do it if demomode is true or tempdata is 1 (the latter is assumed to never be the case for this encounter)
  • Spuder will never drop down to Ground if it has risen in the air to Flying even for more than 2 main turns

Effectively, until demomode is set to true, Spuder is stuck using his biting attack move.

This continues until turns is 2 meaning after 2 main turns, CheckEvent detects this and starts EventDialogue 4.

EventDialogue 4

This EventDialogue represents the dialogue and scripted action of Spuder rising in the air:

  • SetText is called in dialogue with the following:
    • text: commondialogue[27] which is some dialogue about the fight
    • fonttype: 0 (BubblegumSans)
    • linebreak: messagebreak
    • tridimensional: false
    • position:
    • size:
    • parent: playerdata[0]
    • caller: null
  • Yield all frames until the message lock is released
  • instance.camtargetpos is set to enemydata[0]'s position (should always be Spuder) with an instance.camspeed set to 0.03
  • Yield for 0.5 seconds
  • demomode is set to true
  • DoAction is called with enemydata[0] as the entity and 0 as the actionid. Effectively, it forces Spuder to do an actor turn, but because demomode is true, he always will rise in the air to Flying in his action
  • Yield all frames until action goes to false (until DoAction is done)
  • demomode is set back to false
  • SetText is called in dialogue with the following:
    • text: commondialogue[28] which is some dialogue about the action Spuder did
    • fonttype: 0 (BubblegumSans)
    • linebreak: messagebreak
    • tridimensional: false
    • position:
    • size:
    • parent: playerdata[0] (should be Beetle)
    • caller: null
  • Yield all frames until the message lock is released
  • enemydata[0] (should always be Spuder) has its cantmove set to 0 which allows them to act for this main turn since it technically hasn't occured yet (the game forced them to act so this is needed to resync the cantmove counter to where it would be)
  • flagvar 11 is set to 1 which advances to the next phase of the encounter

Encounter end

Since flagvar is 11, this now means that CheckEvent will call ExitBattle once turns is 3 meaning a full main turn passed since EventDialogue 4. This ends the first encounter.

Second encounter

The second encounter is similar to the first, but with some key differences with the most notable one being it is assumed a MothWeb is present alongside Spuder as enemydata[1]. MothWeb is a special enemy because it has no action logic, but it is assumed to have an eventondeath set to EventDialogue 6. Triggering this EventDialogue will ultimately end the battle and it is the overall goal of the second encounter. It is also assumed that the player party is composed of Bee and Beetle in default party order.

flagvar 11 must be 2 and tempdata must be 1. This is normally set by the event that started the battle. CheckEvent detects this which causes to trigger EventDialogue 5 when turns is 2 meaning 2 main turns passed. This EventDialogue is a reminder to defeat MothWeb via some dialogues.

This goes on infinetely because Spuder's hp starts at 999 and def starts at 99. He is effectively not beatable (even if defeated, the event will proceed as normal). One thing does changes with its action logic compared to their first encounter: tempdata should be 1 at this point as it was set by the event that started this encounter.

This means that he will always rise in the air to Flying on their first main turn. He still will not drop down to Ground on his own even after 2 main turns, but if they fall as a result of a DoDamage, their move selection changes to be a 50/50 between their bite attack and rising in the air. This is because at the end of the air rising move, tempdata is set to 0 if it was 1 so it won't get overriden again.

EventDialogue 5

This EventDialogue is some dialogues that reminds the player to defeat MothWeb after 2 main turns have passed:

  • If playerdata[1] (should always be Beetle)'s hp is above 0:
    • SetText is called in dialogue with the following:
      • text: commondialogue[29] which is some dialogue to remind to defeat MothWeb
      • fonttype: 0 (BubblegumSans)
      • linebreak: messagebreak
      • tridimensional: false
      • position:
      • size:
      • parent: playerdata[1] (should always be Beetle)
      • caller: null
    • Yield all frames until the message lock is released
  • flagvar 11 is set to 3 which prevents this EventDialogue from triggering again

EventDialogue 6

This EventDialogue is assumed to be the eventondeath of MothWeb and marks the end of the second encounter as it ultimately leads to the end of the battle. It is assumed that enemydata[1] is MothWeb:

  • MothWeb animstate set to 11 (Hurt)
  • MothWeb's model has all ParticlesSystem starting playing
  • All playerdata has their animstate set to 13 (BattleIdle)
  • Spin2 sound played on loop using sounds[9] with pitch 0.7 and volume 0.9
  • Yield for 1 second
  • sounds[9] stopped
  • Spin4 sound plays with 1.1 volume
  • A new entity is created via CreateNewEntity named tmoth with animid of 2 (Moth) at playerdata[1] position + (0.0, 3.5, 0.0) childed to the battlemap
  • tmoth animstate set to 11 (Hurt)
  • tmoth y spin set to -20.0
  • tomoth's onground set to false
  • CreateFeet called on tmoth
  • enemydata[1] (should always be MothWeb)'s position is set offscreen at (0.0, -1000.0, 0.0)
  • Yield for a frame
  • tmoth's overridejump set to true
  • tmoth animstate set to 11 (Hurt)
  • Yield all frames until tmoth's onground gets to true. Before each yield, their overridejump is set to true and their animstate is set to 11 (Hurt)
  • tmoth's spin is zeroed out
  • tmoth animstate set to 18 (KO)
  • Yield for 0.5 seconds
  • SetText is called in dialogue with the following:
    • text: commondialogue[30] which is some dialogue after defeating MothWeb
    • fonttype: 0 (BubblegumSans)
    • linebreak: messagebreak
    • tridimensional: false
    • position:
    • size:
    • parent: playerdata[0] (should always be Bee)
    • caller: null
  • Yield all frames until the message lock is released
  • Yield for 0.25 seconds
  • ExitBattle is called which ends the battle and the second encounter

Third encounter

This is essentially the typical encounter of Spuder. This encounter is in effect when flags 27 is true (met Moth), but it is assumed that flagvar 11 has a value below 150 for the EventDialogues to work correctly. It is also assumed that flags 37 is false as if it is true, the EventDialogues won't occur. It is assumed Spuder is the only enemy party member of the battle.

CheckEvent will detect the third encounter when turns is 0 meaning the first main turn and flagvar 11 being lower than 150. When that happens, EventDialogue 8 starts followed by flagvar 11 being set to 150 so it only triggers once at the start of the battle.

EventDialogue 8

This EventDialogue is a mini cutscene where Spuder gains 2 moves:

  • Roar sound plays
  • enemydata[0] (should always be Spuder) animstate set to 100
  • All player party member whose hp is above 0 has their animstate set to 11 (Hurt)
  • Yield for a second
  • StatEffect called on enemydata[0] (should always be Spuder) with type 5 (up yellow arrow)
  • enemydata[0] (should always be Spuder) animstate set to 102
  • enemydata[0] (should always be Spuder)'s moves set to 2 giving them 2 actor turns per main turns
  • UpdateAnim called
  • Yield for 0.75 seconds
  • UpdateConditionIcons is called which calls UpdateConditionBubbles on all battleentity (all playerdata with right to false and all enemydata with hp above 0 with right to true)

First encounter phase

After, the encounter proceeds as normal. Most of the logic is described in the Spuder action page, but it's mostly an unrestricted version of their first 2 encounters.

This occurs until their hp becomes lower than their maxhp / 2 floored. When this happens, CheckEvent detects this which causes EventDialogue 7 to start followed by flagvar 11 being set to 200 so it only triggers once for the rest of the battle. This EventDialogue transitions to the second phase of the encounter.

EventDialogue 7

This EventDialogue transitions the third Spuder encounter to its second phase:

  • HealConditions called on enemydata[0] (should always be Spuder)
  • Roar sound plays
  • enemydata[0] (should always be Spuder) animstate set to 100
  • All player party member whose hp is above 0 has their animstate set to 11 (Hurt)
  • Yield for a second
  • AddNewEnemy called with id 8 (ArmoredPoly) and position (20.0, 0.0, 0.0)
  • AddNewEnemy called with id 1 (Mushroom) and position (20.0, 0.0, 0.0)
  • Yield for a frame
  • enemydata[1]'s battlepos set to (0.85, 0.0, 0.0)
  • enemydata[2]'s battlepos set to (7.2, 0.0, 0.0)
  • Both enemydata[1] and enemydata[2] has their cantmove set to 1 meaning they will need to wait a main turn before being able to act
  • Over the course of 1 / 0.015 frames (~66.6666667), every enemy party members has their position lerped from (20.0, 0.0, 0.0) to their battlepos. Before the position change on each frame, their rigid gravity gets disabled and overrideanim set to true (the Mushroom also gets their animstate set to 23 (Chase))
  • All enemy party members has their rigid gravity enabled, animstate set to 0 (Idle) and overrideanim set to false
  • UpdateAnim called
  • enemydata[0] (should be Spuder) animstate set to 102
  • ReorganizeEnemies called wit order {1, 0, 2}
  • Yield for 0.75 seconds