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Pitcher EventDialogue

Pitcher has an EventDialogue that is meant to trigger as their eventondeath or when the Eaten condition turn advance found that the player party member just died after sustaining damages.

If it is triggered as a result of the death, it ensures that all enemydata dies such as the PitcherFlytrap and if it is triggered as a result of the Eaten condition, it spits out the player party member.

Logic sequence

  • The enemydata index of Pitcher is obtained
  • If Pitcher's hp is 0 or below:
    • Their eventondeath is set to -1 which disables this EventDialogue and prevents CheckDead from triggering it again
  • If Pitcher's ate isn't null (they are currently eating a player party member):
    • spitout is set to a new SpitOut call with Pitcher as the eater
    • Yield for 0.5 seconds
    • gottaspit set to false
    • Yield all frames until spitout is null (the coroutine completed)
    • If Pitcher's hp is above 0, their ate is set to null (so they aren't eating anyone)

From there, the logic only continues if Pitcher's hp is 0 or below where all enemydata will be killed and the battle ended:

  • All enemydata other than Pitcher whose deathcoroutine is null has their deathcoroutine set to a new Death call with activatekill followed by their hp set to 0
  • If alreadyending is false (AddExperience wasn't called before), EndBattleWon is called with addexp and no skipids which switches the battle to a terminal flow