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Acolyte and AcolyteVine EventDialogue

These 2 enemies have a special interactions where it is possible for an Acolyte to spawn an AcolyteVine and get on top of it which changes their position to Flying. Dropping down to Ground from there can only happen in 2 ways:

  • Acolyte gets an actor turn where they attack and then drop to Ground also killing their AcolyteVine
  • Acolyte or AcolyteVine dies

Acolyte is assumed to have cantfall set to true meaning it's not possible for the player to make them drop down without them doing their aerial strike unless Acolyte or AcolyteVine dies. The problem is this isn't something that the damage pipeline can accomdate and there's also the issue that if either dies, Acolyte needs to drop down first and AcolyteVine needs to die before Acolyte gets killed if they were defeated.

This is why an EventDialogue for either enemies exists on their eventondeath: it allows the game to ensure that this drop down logic occurs as well as making sure that AcolyteVine dies no matter if they died or Acolyte did. It also handles other custom logic as part of the drop down that the damage pipeline cannot handle.

About status resistance

If Acolyte's hp is above 0 when this EventDialogue triggers, the dropdown logic will undo any resitance increases of Poison, Freeze, Numb and Sleep conditions.

Logic sequence

If there's more than 1 enemy party members:

  • Acolyte and AcolyteVine's enemydata indexes are obtained if they exists
  • If AcolyteVine is present:
    • AcolyteVine animstate set to 18 (KO)
    • AcolyteVine's y spin set to 20.0
    • AcolyteVine's rotater gets a DialogueAnim added that will cause them to shrink to
    • Vine2 sound plays
    • If Acolyte's hp is above 0, their animstate is set to 11 (Hurt)
    • ShakeScreen called with an ammount of (0.05, 0.05, 0.05) and 0.5 time
    • Yield for 0.6 seconds
    • If Acolyte's hp is above 0, Fall sound plays
    • ChargeDown sound plays
    • Over the course of 20.0 frames:
      • If Acolyte's hp is above 0, Acolyte's height lerped from 3.4 to 0.2. Otherwise, ItemBounce0 plays on the first frame only
      • AcolyteVine's startscale changes towards
      • AcolyteVine's position increases by framestep * -0.2 each frame
    • AcolyteVine moved offscreen at 9999.0 in y
    • If Acolyte's hp is above 0:
      • Jump called on Acolyte
      • Yield for 0.5 seconds
      • Yield all frames until Acolyte is onground
      • Yield for 0.2 seconds
      • Acolyte's position changed to Ground
      • AcolyteVine is destroyed
      • Acolyte's height set to 0.0
      • Acolyte's sprite local position reset to
      • Acolyte's basestate set to 13 (BattleIdle)
      • Acolyte's cursoroffset, poisonres, freezeres, numbres and sleepres are reset to their default value from GetEnemyData without createentity
  • If Acolyte is still present, but their hp is 0:
    • Acolyte's eventondeath set to -1 (so this EventDialogue isn't recursively called)
    • A CheckDead is done which will cleanly kill Acolyte

Otherwise (if the enemy killed just now is the only one left which is normally Acolyte):

  • The enemy's eventondeath set to -1 (so this EventDialogue isn't recursively called)
  • A CheckDead is done which will cleanly kill the enemy

In either case, ReorganizeEnemies is called