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This methods tells the currentturn player party member that its action is over and its turn must be consumed.

  • playerdata[currentturn].cantmove is incremented which consumes one of its available action
  • currentturn is set to -1 which deselects the player party member and lets Update decide what to do next as part of the Main turn life cycle.
  • UpdateConditionIcons is called which calls UpdateConditionBubbles on the battleentity (all playerdata with right to false and all enemydata with hp above 0 with right to true)
  • currentaction is set to BaseAction (the main vine action menu)
  • RefreshAllData is called which sets alldata to a new list which consists of all the playerdata followed by all the enemydata appended together and it also resets all enemy party member's blockTimes to 0
  • Each enemydata's blockTimes gets reset to 0
  • Each enemydata that has a Freeze condition or isasleep while actimmobile is false has their cantmove set to 1
  • SetLastTurns is called which resets lastturns to a new aray with the length being the amount of free players - 1 and all elements being -1 (this resets the player selection cycle)