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This method is only called by DoAction during the post action phase if the actionid isn't -555 (it's not blank dummy call) and it's an enemy party member's action. It will end an enemy party member's actor turn, just like EndPlayerTurn, but for enemy party members instead of player party members.

private void EndEnemyTurn(int id)


  • id: The enemydata index whose actor turn should be ending


  • If we were not in the enemy party member's hitaction, the DoublePain medal isn't equipped and the enemy party member's notired is false, its tired field is incremented (this adds an exhaustion). NOTE: This neglects HARDEST and B.O.S.S's EX mode making this check incorrect as it leaves exhaustion enabled on HARDEST without DoublePain, same for EX mode
  • If we were not in the enemy party member's hitaction, the enemy party member's cantmove is incremented (this consumes the actor turn)
  • The enemy party member's hitaction is reset to false
  • The enemy party member's blockTimes is reset to 0
  • Unless dontusecharge is true, the enemy party member's charge is reset to 0
  • RefreshAllData is called which sets alldata to a new list which consists of all the playerdata followed by all the enemydata appended together and it also resets all enemy party member's blockTimes to 0
  • Unless we were inevent, ReorganizeEnemies(true) is called which removes all dead enemies and orders all enemydata by their battleentity's x position