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Combat tutorials EventDialogues

There are 2 combat tutorials in the game that involves many parts of the battle system.

The first one concerns basic combat, turn flow and skills. The second one is specifically for Turn Relay.

Basic combat tutorial

The basic combat tutorial is a very complex process that involves the following:

  • flags 15: Tells the game if the combat tutorial has already been given. It needs to be false for this combat tutorial process to do anything
  • flagvar 11: When flags 15 is false, it tells the state of the combat tutorial:
    • 0: The initial state, no tutorials has been given yet
    • 1: The basic attack tutorial was given, but the turn flow / blocking tutorial and the skills tutorial wasn't given yet
    • 2: Both the basic attack tutorial and the turn flow / blocking tutorial were given, but the skills tutorial wasn't given yet
    • 3: All tutorials were given, nothing special happens from now on

The way this works is EventDialogue 0 to 2 and CheckEvent works together with a special enemy: MakiTutorial. This enemy is special because its action logic is configured specifically to give tutorials, but act as a normal enemy party member otherwise. It is assumed that MakiTutorial is fought when flags 15 is false. The presence of this enemy is required to give the combat tutorial. It is also assumed that the player party is in its default order and composed only of Bee and Beetle.

flagvar 11 should always start with a value of 0 and it is how the game tracks the flow of the tutorial process which consists of many phases. Ultimately, it will leads to the battle premptively ending via ReturnToOverworld.

The following is how a complete combat tutorial process goes separated by phases.


On the first controlled flow update, CheckEvent will run. It will detect that flags 15 is false so it will execute the tutorial flow logic on every controlled flow update from now on. The value of this flag is only set after the battle is over meaning it always will execute the logic from now on.

CheckEvent sees that flagvar 11 is 0 meaning we just started the tutorial. This causes EventDialogue 0 to happen. It is assumed that the player party is composed of Bee and Beetle in that order.

EventDialogue 0

The following is the logic of EventDialogue 0 which gives the basic attack tutorial:

  • playerdata[0] FaceTowards playerdata[1] (should always be Bee facing Beetle)
  • SetText is called in dialogue with the following:
    • text: commondialogue[12] which is some dialogue followed by a prompt giving the choice to skip the dialogue. If the player chooses to skip, a |setvar,11,1| gets processed which sets flagvar 11 to 1
    • fonttype: 0 (BubblegumSans)
    • linebreak: messagebreak
    • tridimensional: false
    • position:
    • size:
    • parent: playerdata[1] (should always be Beetle)
    • caller: null
  • Yield all frames until the message lock is released
  • All playerdata has their flip set to true
  • Yield for a frame
  • If flagvar 11 is still 0 (meaning the player didn't choose to skip the tutorial) some scripted player actions happens (the game controls everything here, no actual regular battle flow happens here):
    • demomode is set to true
    • target is set to 0
    • availabletargets is set to enemydata
    • currentturn is set to 1 (should always be Beetle)
    • DoAction is manually called with the entity being playerdata[1] (should always be Beetle) and actionid of -1 (Beetle's basic attack). The overall effect here is Beetle will use its basic attack on the first enemy which should always be MakiTutorial
    • Yield all frames until action is false (meaning DoAction is done)
    • SetText is called in dialogue with the following:
      • text: commondialogue[19] which is some dialogue about Bee being about to attack
      • fonttype: 0 (BubblegumSans)
      • linebreak: messagebreak
      • tridimensional: false
      • position:
      • size:
      • parent: playerdata[0] (should always be Bee)
      • caller: null
    • Yield all frames until the message lock is released
    • currentturn is set to 0 (should always be Bee)
    • DoAction is manually called with the entity being playerdata[0] (should always be Bee) and actionid of -1 (Bee's basic attack). The overall effect here is Bee will use its basic attack on the first enemy which should always be MakiTutorial
    • Yield all frames until action is false (meaning DoAction is done)
    • All playerdata have their cantmove set to 1, lockskills set to false and lockitems set to false. This simulates that they took an actor turn and the game will treat it the same way than if they actually attacked normally
  • demomode is set to false
  • flagvar 11 is set to 1 which advances to the next phase

Since flagvar is no longer 0, CheckEvent will no longer trigger EventDialogue 0 and the tutorial proceeds to the next phase.

Turn flow tutorial

By this point, regardless if the player skipped the tutorial or not, flagvar should be 1 and the player phase should be over because all playerdata should have their cantmove set to 1.

This means that DoAction will be called on MakiTutorial and their first actor turn has special logic if flagvar 11 is 1 which starts by starting EventDialogue 1 and yielding all frames until it is over (inevent goes to false).

EventDialogue 1

The following is the logic of EventDialogue 1 which gives the turn flow tutorial:

  • SetText is called in dialogue with the following:
    • text: commondialogue[15] which is some dialogue about turn flow
    • fonttype: 0 (BubblegumSans)
    • linebreak: messagebreak
    • tridimensional: false
    • position:
    • size:
    • parent: playerdata[0] (should always be Bee)
    • caller: null
  • Yield all frames until the message lock is released

Block tutorial

We are back to MakiTutorial's action. Right after the inevent yield, playertargetID is set to 0 (should always be Bee). Normally, the target is determined via GetSingleTarget, but the enemy will specifically target Bee here because it is about to proceed with the blocking tutorial.

From there, the action logic continue as normal, except that after their animstate was set to 101 and after the 0.25 seconds yield, the following happens (normally, only a 0.2 seconds yield happen):

  • SetText is called in dialogue with the following:
    • text: commondialogue[16] which is some dialogue about turn flow appended with |noskip|
    • fonttype: 0 (BubblegumSans)
    • linebreak: messagebreak
    • tridimensional: false
    • position:
    • size:
    • parent: playerdata[0] (should always be Bee)
    • caller: null
  • Yield all frames until the message lock is released
  • commandsuccess is set to true

From there, the DoDamage proceeds as normal, but because commandsuccess was overriden to true, a regular block is guaranteed.

However, whether or not it is a regular or super block isn't guaranteed. The timing gets weirder than usual because of the SetText call done right before which skews the timing since GetBlock doesn't run while the message lock is grabbed. Effectively, the timing to super block becomes the following:

  • The last ~3 frames before the SetText call happened (most likely, they will be in the 0.25 seconds done right before)
  • The frame corresponding to the exact moment the message lock is released (GetBlock runs before DoAction resumes so it will see the lock being released before DoAction gets to continue)

Finally, at the very end of MakiTutorial's action, since flagvar 11 is less than 3 (meaning the complete tutorial hasn't been given yet), it is set to 2 which advances to the next phase of the combat tutorial. Since flagvar 11 should be 3 by the next time MakiTutorial acts, this tutorial logic won't happen again.

After block tutorial

We are now on the second main turn of the battle and CheckEvent runs. Since it sees that flagvar 11 is 2, EventDialogue 2 is called.

EventDialogue 2

The following is the logic of EventDialogue 1 which gives the skills tutorial:

  • If flagvar 11 is 2 (which should always be the case):
    • SetText is called in dialogue with the following:
      • text: commondialogue[17] which is some explanation about skills prepanded with |boxstyle,4|
      • fonttype: 0 (BubblegumSans)
      • linebreak: messagebreak
      • tridimensional: false
      • position:
      • size:
      • parent: null
      • caller: null
    • Yield all frames until the message lock is released
  • SetText is called in dialogue with the following:
    • text: commondialogue[18] which is some more dialogues about skills
    • fonttype: 0 (BubblegumSans)
    • linebreak: messagebreak
    • tridimensional: false
    • position:
    • size:
    • parent: playerdata[0] (should always be Bee)
    • caller: null
  • Yield all frames until the message lock is released
  • enemydata[0] (should be the MakiTutorial) has its animstate set to 13 (BattleIdle)
  • All playerdata has their lockskills and lockitems are set to false
  • flagvar 11 is set to 3

flagvar 11 being 3 advances to the last phase of the combat tutorial.

Combat tutorial ending

From there, the battle is kind of in a stand still. MakiTutorial no longer has special logic and will attack as normal with the regualr block timing being in effect. Essentially, the battle is back to flow as normal.

This goes on until a special condition happens in CheckEvent which is that turns is 3. This means that 3 main turns total have passed. When this happens on the first controlled flow update, ExitBattle is called which start a ReturnToOverworld without flee, set cancelupdate and action to true and enemy to false which also changes the flow to a terminal one.

This completely ends the tutorial process. It is expected that flags 15 gets set to true by the caller of this battle which prevents the tutorial to be given again.

Turn Relay tutorial

The Turn Relay tutorial is isolated from the bigger combat one and it is relatively isolated overall. While the game heavily scripts the fight that this tutorial is given, the only requirements for this tutorial to work is to have a player party of Bee, Beetle and Moth in default party order.

The tutorial logic is checked by CheckEvent and its logic runs only when flag 16 is true (Leif can fight in battle) and flag 24 is false (haven't received the Relay tutorial yet). This will run if applicable on the first controlled flow update.

When these conditions are met, EventDialogue 3 starts.

EventDialogue 3

The following is the logic of EventDialogue 3 which gives the Turn Relay tutorial:

  • Both playerdata[0] (should always be Bee) and playerdata[1] (should always be Beetle) FaceTowards playerdata[2] (should always be Moth)
  • SetText is called in dialogue with the following:
    • text: commondialogue[20] which is some dialogues about Turn Relay
    • fonttype: 0 (BubblegumSans)
    • linebreak: messagebreak
    • tridimensional: false
    • position:
    • size:
    • parent: playerdata[2] (should always be Moth)
    • caller: null
  • Yield all frames until the message lock is released
  • Both playerdata[0] (should always be Bee) and playerdata[1] (should always be Beetle) have their flip set to true
  • flags 24 is set to true
  • Yield for 0.5 seconds
  • SetMaxOptions is called

Since flags 24 is true, the Turn Relay tutorial won't happen again.