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This action coroutine allows the player party member to use an item. It receives its id in a parameter which should corresponds to the one that was selected during GetChoiceInput after passing the CheckItemUse check.


  • action is set to true switching to an uncontrolled flow
  • UpdateText is called
  • The ItemHold sounds is played
  • lastitemuser is set to the trueid of the currentturn player party member
  • A new temporary item object is created with a SpriteRenderer using the corresponding item's sprite from items data using the standard spritemat with a renderQueue of 50000 on layer 14 (Sprite). The object is positioned at the currentturn player party member's battleentity's position + its cursoroffset - (0.0, 0.0, 0.1)
  • The currentturn player party member's battleentity.animstate is set to 4 (ItemGet)

BanditLeader specific logic

This coroutine has special logic if a BanditLeader enemy is present in the enemy party. When that happens, this coroutine will not apply any item effects and it will instead end abruptly with a yield break after some animations and cleanup logic. This logic is what this section is about. It doesn't apply if no BanditLeader is present.

If it does apply, the enemy party member index of the first BanditLeader is saved locally and used for this section.

  • 0.25 seconds are yielded
  • The BanditLeader's battleentity.animstate is saved locally for restore later
  • HealConditions is called on the BanditLeader
  • UpdateAnim is called
  • The BanditLeader's battleentity.animstate is set to 103
  • The Slash2 sound is played
  • 0.5 seconds are yielded
  • Gleam is called on the BanditLeader's battleentity using the offset (-0.4, 2.35, -0.1) which plays the Gleam particles and sound
  • 0.5 seconds are yielded
  • The Slash sound is played
  • The BanditLeader's battleentity.animstate is set to 107
  • MainManager.FadeIn is called with a speed of 1.0 (which makes the screen go to black instantly)
  • 0.25 seconds are yielded
  • ItemDrop is called on the temporary item object which will do the following:
    • The object gets rooted to the scene
    • A RigidBody component is added with a velocity of RandomItemBounce(5.0, 12.5)
    • The object is destroyed in 1.0 second
  • The currentturn's battleentity.animstate is set to 11 (Hurt)
  • MainManager.FadeOut is called with a speed of 1.0 (which makes the screen go back to what it was before the fade in instantly)
  • The ItemStolen sound is played
  • 0.65 seconds are yielded
  • The BanditLeader's battleentity.animstate is restrored to the saved value
  • The first occurence of the item corresponding to the sent id is removed from instance.items[0] (standard items)
  • CancelList is called
  • UpdateAnim is called
  • UpdateText is called
  • EndPlayerTurn is called
  • action is set to false switching to a controlled flow
  • Yield break which ends this coroutine

Pre item effects

This section happens if the BanditLeader specific logic didn't apply.

  • 1.3 seconds are yielded
  • The temporary item object is destroyed
  • deadmembers is set to GetDeadParty which is all player party member indexes whose hp is 0 or below in ascending order
  • The currentturn player party member's battleentity.animstate is set to 13 (BattleIdle)
  • UpdateAnim is called

Item effects

This section depends on the itemarea.

SingleAlly or AllParty

This first starts by having all frames yielded while PartyIsDying which means that at least one player party member's hp is 0 or below while its battleentity.deathroutine is still in progress.

From there, the ItemUse elements of the item are processed by first calling DoItemEffect with the element's information and option as the characterid.

After, there's additional logic depending on the ItemUsage.

HPRecover or HPRecoverFull

  • HealParticle is called on the option player party member with a size of and an offset of Vector3.up
  • ShowDamageCounter is called with type 1 (HP) with the ammount being the return of DoItemEffect starting at the playerdata[option].battleentity's position + playerdata[option].cursoroffset and ending at Vector3.up
  • If there's more than 1 effect, 0.5 seconds are yielded before processing more


The same than HPRecover or HPRecoverFull, but if the option player party member's battleentity is dead, RevivePlayer is called with its id for -1 hp and showcounter as false.

TPRecover or TPRecoverFull

  • ShowDamageCounter is called with type 2 (TP) with the ammount being the return of DoItemEffect starting at the playerdata[option].battleentity's position + playerdata[option].cursoroffset and ending at Vector3.up
  • If there's more than 1 effect, 0.5 seconds are yielded before processing more


This effect applies to each player party member that isn't eatenby and has an hp above 0:

  • HealParticle is called on the player party member with a size of and an offset of Vector3.up
  • ShowDamageCounter is called with type 1 (HP) with the ammount being the return of DoItemEffect starting at the playerdata[option].battleentity's position + playerdata[option].cursoroffset and ending at Vector3.up

If at least one player party member was affected and there's more than 1 effect, 0.5 seconds are yielded before processing more.


The same than HPRecoverAll, but it also affects player party members with an hp of 0 or below and if its battleentity is dead, RevivePlayer is called with its id for -1 hp and showcounter as false.


  • An RNG check is performed with 2 possible outcomes at 66% and 34% respectively:
    • 66%: Heal is called on the option player party member with the ammount being the returned value of DoItemEffect
    • 34%: DoDamage is called without an attacker to the option player party member with the damageammount being the returned value of DoItemEffect with a NoExceptions property and without block
  • The hp of the option player party member is clamped from 1 to its maxhp
  • If there's more than 1 effect, 0.5 seconds are yielded before processing more


An action may be set to trigger in the post item effect section depending on the item id:

  • VitalitySeed: 14
  • GenerousSeed: 15
  • ShellOil: 33


The PoisonEffect particle are played without sound at the option player party member's battleentity's position.


The ElecFast particle are played without sound at the option player party member's battleentity's position + Vector3.up all scaled by (1.5, 1.5, 1.5).


  • The mothicenormal particle are played without sound at the option player party member's battleentity's position + Vector3.up all scaled by (1.5, 1.5, 1.5)
  • If the option player party member has a Freeze ondition and its battleentity.icecube is null or inactive, Freeze is called on the battleentity


DeathSmoke particles are played at the option player party member's battleentity's position


  • StatEffect is called with the option player party member's battleentity with type 5 (orange up arrow)
  • If there's more than 1 effect, 0.5 seconds are yielded before processing more


  • The option player party member's isnumb is set to false
  • The CurePoison effects applies


  • BreakIce is called on the option player party member's battleentity
  • The CurePoison effects applies


  • The option player party member's isasleep is set to false
  • The CurePoison effects applies


  • For each player party members that isn't eatenby and has an hp above 0:
    • isnumb is set to false
    • BreakIce is called on the battleentity
    • isasleep is set to false
  • The CurePoisonAll effects applies

CurePoison, GradualHP, GradualTP, CureFire or CureAll

  • The MagicUp particle are played without sound at the option player party member's battleentity's position
  • If there's more than 1 effect, 0.5 seconds are yielded before processing more


  • The MagicUp particle are played without sound at each of the player party members's battleentity's position who isn't eatenby and whose hp is above 0
  • If there's more than 1 effect, 0.5 seconds are yielded before processing more


  • The StatUp sound is played
  • StatEffect is called with the option player party member's battleentity with type 4 (green up arrow)
  • If there's more than 1 effect, 0.5 seconds are yielded before processing more


The MagicUp particle are played without sound at each of the player party members's battleentity's position who isn't eatenby and whose hp is above 0


  • ShowDamageCounter is called with type 0 (Damage) with the ammount being the option player party member's maxhp - 1 starting at its battleentity's position and ending at (-1, 2.0, 0.0)
  • DoDamageAnim is called with the option player party member with a damage of its maxhp - 1 without block
  • If there's more than 1 effect, 0.5 seconds are yielded before processing more


  • StatusEffect is called with the option player party member using the AttackUp condition with the amount of turns being the returned value from DoItemEffect with effect being true
  • If there's more than 1 effect, 0.5 seconds are yielded before processing more


  • StatusEffect is called with the option player party member using the DefenseUp condition with the amount of turns being the returned value from DoItemEffect with effect being true
  • If there's more than 1 effect, 0.5 seconds are yielded before processing more


  • flagvar 0 is set to the returned value from DoItemEffect
  • The action id 33 is set to trigger in the post item effects section

SingleEnemy, AllEnemies or All

An action will may be set to trigger in the post item effects section depending on the item id:

  • LonglegSummoner: The -2 action id will be set to trigger
  • If the item id is in the following list, the 9 action id will be set to trigger:
    • HardSeed
    • SpicyBomb
    • PoisonBomb
    • ClearBomb
    • NumbDart
    • Ice
    • FrostBomb
    • NumbBomb
    • SleepBomb
    • Abombhoney
    • PoisonDart
    • CherryBomb
    • BurlyBomb
    • FlameRock

Post item effects

  • If the ItemRecycle medal is equipped and a 31% RNG check passes:
    • The item will not be removed and instead, the ItemSpinAnim coroutine is yield returned with a position of playerdata[currentturn]'s position + 1.0 in y, a sprite being the ItemRecycle medal icon and with playsound
  • Otherwise:
    • The item is removed from instance.items[0] (standard items) using MainManager.lastprompt as the index which is basically the ItemList's option value set upon confirmation
  • CancelList is called
  • UpdateAnim is called
  • UpdateText is called
  • If an action was set to trigger after the item use:
    • currentaction is set to ItemList
    • DoAction is called with the currentturn party member using the action id set to trigger earlier
  • Otherwise: