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This action coroutine allows the player to attempt to flee from the battle if an action command is passed. This allows to go directly to the ReturnToOverworld in a terminal flow if the action command is passed. If the action command is failed, all player party members gets all their action turns exhausted which leads to EndPlayerTurn earlier than usual.

Command preparation

  • action is set to true changing to a controlled flow
  • commandsuccess is reset to false
  • instance.showmoney is set to 100000000.0 which effectively makes the berry count HUD element shown permanently for now
  • The instance.camtargetpos is set to (-4.5, 0.0, 2.5) with an instance.camspeed of 0.075
  • 10 RigidBodies are initialised to hold lost berries (they each get a SpriteRenderer using the MoneySmall's itemsprites) childed to the battlemap in kinematic mode, but initially placed offscreen at (0.0, 999.0, 0.0)
  • The FlipNoise sound is played
  • For each player party member that isn't IsStopped, the following adjustements happens on their battleentity (this setups their walk in place animations):
    • anim.speed is set to 2.0
    • overridejump is set to true
    • Jump is called
    • flip is set to false
    • overrideanim is set to true
    • animstate is set to 1 (Walk)
  • 0.4 seconds are yielded
  • A DoCommand coroutine is started with a commandtype of SequentialKeys using 250.0 as the timer and the data being one element whose value is 6 unless the SpeedUp medal is equipped which makes the value 3 instead

Performing the action command

This section is in effect as long as doingaction is true. It's where the berry loss happens periodically when applicable. A frame is yielded at the end of every cycle when this section is in effect.

In order for a berry to be lost, the following must be true:

  • must be above 0
  • The SecurePouch medal is unequipped
  • flags 162 is false (We aren't in a B.O.S.S or Cave of Trials session)
  • A certain amount of frames has passed (tracked by a local framecounter using instance.framestep as the increment)

The amount of frames that needs to pass to loose a berry depends on estimatedexp. It is calculated by taking (30 - estimatedexp) / 2, clamping it from 5 to instance.neededexp / 2 and finally, multiply the result by 2.0 which also casts it to a float for the counter comparison. What this intuitively mean is that the amount of frames before a berry is lost is always between 5 and 15, but the base amount decreases the more EXP has been accumulated so far. As for the upper clamping bound, it doesn't do anything because the minimum value of instance.neededexp is normally 100 making its half 50 which is higher than 15, the upper bound of the base value if estimatedexp is 0.

All in all, this can be reduced to just (30 - estimatedexp) / 2 clamped from 5 making the overall result from 5 to 15 frames between loosing a berry.

If no berry losses occurs, the local counter is incremented by instance.framestep.

If a berry loss occurs, the following is done on one of the 10 RigidBodies initialised earlier (the index starts at 0 and increments each berry loss, resetting to 0 when reaching 10):

  • position is set to a randomly selected player party member's battleentity's position
  • kinematic mode is turned off
  • velocity is set to RandomItemBounce(4.0, 15.0)

The berry loss ends by decrementing and resetting the local frame counter to 0.0.

Handling the action command result

The rest of the coroutine depends on commandsuccess being true or not indicating the command was succeeded or failed. In either outcome, all RigidBodies initialised earlier are destroyed at the very end.


This section is applicable if commandsuccess is true:

  • MainManager.battleresult is set to false
  • For each player party member that isn't IsStopped, Jump is called on their battleentity
  • 0.45 seconds are yielded
  • The Flee sound is played
  • For each player party member that isn't IsStopped, the following happens on their battleentitty:
    • The y position is set to 0.0
    • The rigid's gravity is disabled
    • MoveTowards is called to move to (-20.0, 0.0, 0.0) with a multiplier of 5.0
  • All frames are yielded until the forcemove of the battleentity of the last player party member that isn't IsStopped goes to false (meaning the last player party member that was moved is done with its forcemove)
  • flagvar 42 (number of fleed battles) is incremented
  • ReturnToOverworld is called with flee


This section is applicable if commandsuccess is false:

  • The Fail sound is played
  • For each player party member that isn't IsStopped, the following happens on their battleentitty (this undo what was done on the command preparations with some more animations):
    • anim.speed is reset to 1.0
    • overrideanimspeed is set to false
    • Jump is called
    • animstate is set to 11 (Hurt)
  • 0.1 seconds are yielded
  • For each player party member that isn't IsStopped, the following happens on their battleentitty:
    • DeathSmoke is called with the battleentity
    • animstate is set to 18 (KO)
    • The Drop sound is played on the entity (not the battleentity)
  • If flags 162 is false (we aren't in a B.O.S.S or Cave of Trials session), all of the 10 RigidBodies will count as a berry loss meaning up to 10 berries are lost (or berries is lost if less than 10 remained). The following happens for each loss on the concerned RigidBody:
    • position is set to a randomly selected player party member's battleentity's position
    • kinematic mode is turned off
    • velocity is set to RandomItemBounce(4.0, 15.0)
    • is decremented
    • A frame is yielded
  • 0.85 seconds are yielded
  • SetDefaultCamera is called
  • For each player party member that isn't IsStopped, the following happens on their battleentitty:
    • overridejump is set to false
    • overrideanim is set to false
    • flip is set to true
    • The player party member's cantmove is set to 1 except for the currentturn one where it's set to 0 (this is because its turn will be exhausted soon so all member's cantmove will end up at 1)
  • A frame is yielded
  • UpdateAnim is called
  • instance.showmoney is set to -1 which hides the berry count HUD
  • EndPlayerTurn is called (which will increment the currentturn player party member so all members's cantmove ends up at 1)
  • action is set to false switching back to a controlled flow