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This action coroutine allows a player party member to spy an enemy party member if they pass an action command. The spy will only proceeed if disablespy is false, otherwise, the logic is limited to play the buzzer sound and calling UpdateAnim.

The coroutine expects playerdata[currentturn] to be the player party member that attemps the spying and for avaliabletargets[option] to be the enemy party member being spied.

Action command setup

  • DestroyHelpBox is called which sets helpboxid to -1 and destroys helpbox if it existed in 0.5 seconds with shrink before setting it to null
  • action is set to true changing to an uncontrolled flow
  • caninputcooldown is set to 0.0
  • blockcooldown is set to 0.0
  • combo is set to 0
  • killinput is set to false
  • nonphyscal is set to false
  • commandsuccess is set to false
  • UpdateText is called

From there, if the HPScope medal is equipped, this will bypass the action command portion and the logic will be limited to playing the AtkSuccess sound and everything will continue as if commandsuccess was true.

Otherwise, the action command is done by calling DoCommand with the timer being 60.0, the type being Crosshais and the data being {3.0, the battleentity.battleid of the target enemy party member converted to float, 3.25, 10.0}. From there, all frames are yielded while doingaction is true.

Spying process

This section only happens if the HPScope medal was equipped or commandsuccess is true meaning the player passed the action command. If these conditions are fufilled, the logic of this section is limited to setting the player party member's battleentity.animstate to 11 (Hurt).

  • The currentturn player party member's battleentity.spin is set to (0.0, 20.0, 0.0)
  • The currentturn player party member's battleentity.animstate is set to 4 (ItemGet)
  • 0.65 seconds are yielded
  • The currentturn player party member's battleentity.animstate is set to 13 (BattleIdle)
  • The currentturn player party member's battleentity.spin is zeroed out
  • The SetText text advance's skiptext is set to false
  • waitinput is set to false
  • instance.inputcooldown is set to 15.0
  • A frame is yielded
  • SetText is called in dialogue mode with the text being |fwait,0.075||spd,-1||stopskip| followed by the correspondong tattle line from the currenturn player party member's trueid from enemytattle data using the enemy party member's animid as the enemy id. The call also has these properties:
    • fonttype of 0 (BubblegumSans)
    • linebreak of messagebreak
    • No tridimensional
    • position of
    • No cameraoffset
    • size of
    • parent being currentturn's player party member's battleentity
    • No caller
  • A frame is yielded
  • A nameless pure white 9Box is created with position (20.0, 0.0, 10.0), size of (10.75, 5.0) type 4 (torn piece of paper), sortorder of -20 without grow and a DialogueAnim attached with a targetpos of (3.5, -1.75, 10.0) and a speed of (0.1) (this DialogueAnim makes the 9Box appear from offsreen to the right slightly down)
  • A new UI object named enemyimage is created childed to the 9Box with local position (-2.85, 0.0, 0.0), size of (3.0, 3.0, 3.0) and a sortOrder of 0 using the sprite defined as the portrait from enemydata using the enemy party member's animid as the enemy id
  • A string of text is prepared which are all the following appended together:
    • |single|
    • If the languageid is Japanese and the enemy party member's entityname is 6 or more letters long, |size,X,1| is appended where X is 1.0 - 0.075 * (the enemy party member's entityname's length - 5) all clamped from 0.5 to 0.65 (notthing is appended otherwise)
    • |line||halfline||size,1,1,lock|
    • menutext[14] (HP)
    • :
    • The enemy party member's maxhp. If the DoublePain medal is equipped or flag 614 is true (HARDEST is active), it's the maxhp + hardhp instead
    • |line|
    • menutext[17] (Defense)
    • :
    • The enemy party member's def. If the DoublePain medal is equipped or flag 614 is true (HARDEST is active), it's the def + harddef instead. There is an exception however: if that number is negative, ??? is appended instead of the number
    • |line|
    • If the languageid is Japanese, |size,0.8,1,force| is appended (nothing otherwise)
    • menutext[137] (Seen)
    • :
    • The seen counter of the matching bestiary entry of the enemy party member
    • |line|
    • menutext[138] (Defeated)
    • :
    • The defeated counter of the matching bestiary entry of the enemy party member
  • SetText is called in non dialogue mode using the string assembled with the following properties:
    • fonttype of 0 (BubblegumSans)
    • No linebreak
    • No tridimensional
    • position of (-0.65, 1.3. 0.0)
    • No cameraoffset
    • size of
    • parent being the 9Box
    • No caller
  • All frames are yielded while the message lock is grabbed
  • The bestiary entry of the enemy is updated via UpdateJounal to unlock it in librarystuff
  • The 9Box's DialogueAnim's targetpos is set to (20.0, 0.0, 10.0) (this sets it to move offscreen to the right)
  • The 9Box is destroyed in 1.0 second
