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This action coroutine alloews to swap 2 player party member's position with each other.

private IEnumerator SwitchPos(int called, int targeted)

NOTE: The process of switching is complex and involves battle playerdata addressing documentation. It is recommended to check this documentation to fully understand how a party swap works.


  • called: The playerdats index that is requesting the swap
  • targeted: The playerdata index that was targetted for swapping by the called's player party member's action


  • The Switch sound is played
  • action is set to true changing to an uncontrolled flow
  • currentturn is set to -1 which unselects the current player party member
  • SetLastTurns is called which resets lastturns to a new aray with the length being the amount of free players - 1 and all elements being -1 (this resets the player selection cycle)
  • The called and targeted player party members has their battleentity.spin set to (0.0, -20.0, 0.0)
  • 0.33 seconds are yielded
  • The partypointer indexes that maps to the called and targeted playerdata indexes are found and their value are set to called and targeted respectively (essentially, this converts called and targeted from playerdata indexes to partypointer indexes)
  • Both partypointer elements whose indexes matches the ones found are swapped. This essentially completes the first party of the swap
  • 0.1 seconds are yielded
  • For each player party members, the second part of the swap is performed:
    • battleentity.overridejump is set to true
    • battleentity.spin is zeroed out
    • pointer is set to the matching partypointer. This gives a way to do the same function than partypointer, but using playerdata indexes. In practice, this feature is UNUSED because the field is only written to
    • playerdata[partypointer[j]].battleentity position is set to the matching partypos. This can be thought as the player party member who had this formation position in the player party is moved to be physically at the matching position of that formation position
    • If battleentity.deathcoroutine is in progress, it is stopped and set to null followed by battleentity.animstate being set to 18 (KO)
  • CancelList is called
  • UpdateConditionIcons is called which calls UpdateConditionBubbles on all battleentity (all playerdata with right to false and all enemydata with hp above 0 with right to true)
  • A frame is yielded
  • action is set to false changing to a controlled flow
  • A frame is yielded (this frame will process in a controlled flow, but the rest is just visual updates so it's safe)
  • UpdateAnim is called
  • UpdateText is called