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This action coroutine allows an actor to perform an action which is an hardcoded procedure in battle such as an attack, skill or special item usage. This coroutine contains the logic of all player and enemy actions making it the largest method in the game by far in terms of code volume. This has performance implications (see the section below for details).

The vast majority of the logic of this coroutine are contained in the individual actions, but this page will focus on documenting the surrounding code as the actions will be documented somewhere else.

private IEnumerator DoAction(EntityControl entity, int actionid)


  • entity: The actor that will be performing the action
  • actionid: The meaning changes depending on the entity:
    • If it's a player party member, this is a number that tells what action entity will be performing (-2 is a LonglegSummoner item -1 is a basic attack, anything of 0 or above is a Skill id or item use)
    • If it's an enemy party member, this is its enemydata index. Sending an invalid index is considered invalid and will result in an exception being thrown in the vast majority of cases
    • If the value is -555, this is reserved to perform a blank dummy call, see the section below about performance for more details

Performance implications

This coroutine is extremely large in IL code size. This creates a problem because when calling it for the first time, it requires the JIT's full attention to compile it which can stutter the game. This performance penalty goes away once it has been called at least once throughout the entire game's session, but it is still very noticeable (it can be as long as a second or two).

One mitigation the game does is to precipitate the stutter during the battle out loading transition of StartBattle. It does this by checking a boolean that belongs to MainManager and is only set to true when this happened for the first time since the last save load. To prevent any destructive logic to happen, StartBattle will send -555 as the actionid which can be seen as a blank dummy call: it will not perform any meaningful logic, but it will still be enough to force the JIT to compile the coroutine as it was explicitly called.


Considering how large this method is, its lifecycle will be divided into different phases.

NOTE: If this is a player action, the coroutine expects availabletargets, target, currentaction, itemarea and currentturn to be correctly set because they are needed to tell the coroutine the details of the action (notably, currentturn tells the playerdata index of the player party member performing the action). For a Skill, its cost is expected to be in flagvar 0 (TP if it's 0 or above, HP if it's negative using the absolute value).


This is the first phase of the coroutine. It ensures the coroutine can proceed and does some preparations logic.

  • deadmembers is set to the return of GetDeadParty which are all the player party members indexes whose hp is 0 or below
  • If cancelupdate is true (which means we had entered into a terminal flow), a frame is yielded followed by the coroutine abruptly ending with a yield break. This can be considered a safeguard in case terminal flow was entered before a DoAction call occured
  • overridechallengeblock is set to false
  • Any string invocation of UpdateAnim is cancelled. This can happen if AdvanceMainTurn invoked it, but a DoAction call processed before the incation occurs which can interfere because DoAction needs tighther control over calling UpdateAnim (and it calls it later as part of the setup anyway). Cancelling the invocation prevents this from happening
  • DestroyHelpBox is called which sets helpboxid to -1 and destroys helpbox if it existed in 0.5 seconds with shrink before setting it to null
  • action is set to true switching to an uncontrolled flow

What follows is a bunch of field value resets:

Field Value
infinitecommand false
hasblocked false
dontusecharge false
nolifesteal false
caninputcooldown 0.0
blockcooldown 0.0
combo 1
barfill 0.0
weakenemyfound false
killinput false
nonphyscal false
commandsuccess false

From there, a couple of local variables are initialised that may be used in the actions logic:

  • flip: The flip value of the entity, used for restoring later in normal post action
  • randomposafter: A boolean starting at false that when true by the normal post action, the position of the enemy party member will be determined randomly. This only applies to enemy party members and is only used by Mushroom and BeeBot under normal gameplay. NOTE: it is invalid to set this to true during a player action and if done, it will lead to illogical behaviors
  • fled: A boolean starting at false that when true by the normal post action, it will change the majority of the normal post action logic to be very reduced. This is supposed to signal that the action lead to the enemy party member fleeing the battle. This only applies to enemy party members and is only used by Burglar and GoldenSeedling under normal gameplay. NOTE: it is invalid to set this to true during a player action and if done, it will lead to illogical behaviors
  • nocharm: A boolean starting at false that when true by the normal post action, it will prevent any UseCharm calls to occur. This means no HealTP for the player party if it spent any to perform a skill and no HealHP after an enemy action. This is only used by WaspHealer, LeafbugNinja and LeafbugArcher under normal gameplay
  • startp: The x/y starting position of the entity (the y component is left at 0.0). This can be overriden to another value in action logic and it is only used to move the actor back to it in normal post action
  • startstate: The starting animstate of the entity. This can be overriden in action logic and is only used as the stopping state when moving the actor back to startp in normal post action
  • usedtp: An integer starting at -1 that reports the cost of the skill used by the player party member if applicable. This is only used in normal post action to determine if a UseCharm call should occur with HealTP corresponding to half of the skill's cost. This has no effect on enemy party members

After, the following is done:

From there, the next phase depends on the entity itself. It can either be a player action or an enemy action:

  • If the entity has a Player tag, it's a player action
  • Otherwise, this is an enemy action, but there is a special case in which it will not be performed and the coroutine will skip to the post action phase if all of the following are true:
    • firststrike is true
    • The DoublePain medal is not equipped
    • flags 614 is false (HARDEST is inactive)
    • actionid is not 0 (this isn't the first enemy party member)

Effectively, it always allow the first enemydata to take their action during a firststrike, but other enemy party members requires to be on hardmode or HARDEST to act in a firststrike. Check the firststrike documentation to learn more.

Player action

This phase applies only if the entity has a Player tag.

Player action setup

The setup first begins by initialising a local variable called targetentity which is the actor data of the action's target (if it exists). This is primarily used for an itemarea of SingleAlly or SingleEnemy targetting action, but it is technically initialised for multi targetting, just not very useful. Only some action uses this variable and it may not get a valid actor if it is not needed, but it must be set correctly if it is. Here's the logic for determining the value:

  • If actionid is -555 (blank dummy call), the value is left at the BattleData's default
  • Otherwise, if currentaction is ItemList (this is an item use action), then it depends on itemarea (if none match, the variable is left at the BattleData's default):
    • SingleAlly: The target player party member
    • SingleEnemy: GetAvaliableTargets is called without onlyground and onlyfront with excludeunderground using actionid as the attack id followed by setting the variable to avaliabletargets[target]. NOTE: In practice, the GetAvaliableTargets shouldn't change anything under normal gameplay because it was called with similar parameters (attackid was -1, but it doesn't change anything) during SetItem
  • Otherwise, if target is less than the length of avaliabletargets (it's a valid target), the variable is set to avaliabletargets[target]
  • Otherwise, it's left at BattleData's default

After, if actionid isn't negative (meaning this isn't a basic attack action or player first strike) and currentaction isn't ItemList (meaning this must be a skill), the cost of the skill is paid by doing the following:

  • If the HPFunnel medal is equipped or flagvar 0 is negative (meaning it's an HP cost), the hp of the currentturn player party member is decreased by the absolute value of flagvar 0
  • Otherwise, is decreased by flagvar 0 (TP cost)

If a cost was paid, usedtp is set to the value of flagvar 0 (the TP or HP cost).

After, if actionid isn't -555 (not blank dummy call) and currentaction isn't ItemList (meaning it's not an item use so it's a basic attack or skill action), checkingdead is set to a new UseCharm call with the type being AttackUp.

After, targettedenemy is set to the enemydata index of the targetted enemy using the following logic:

  • If actionid is -555 (blank dummy call), it's 0
  • Otherwise, if target is at least avaliabletargets's length - 1 (this is wrong, but safe, see the note below) or currentaction is ItemList (this is an item use action), it's target
  • Otherwise, it's the battleentity.battleid of the return of GetEnemyFromAvaliable using avaliabletargets[target]. Basically, it means if avaliabletargets[target]'s battleentity still exists in enemydata, it will be its battleid (which is the same than the enemydata index) and if it doesn't, it will be 0

NOTE: This logic is very broken, but in practice, it's only ever used in 2 actions: the HeavyStrike skill or Beetle's basic attack. For those actions specifically, this logic happens to always be correct whether it is on accident or not. targetedenemy will be correct in these cases, but it should not be relied upon because its value isn't reliable and can easilly point to the wrong enemy party member.

Finally, all frames are yielded while checkingdead is in progress (which would be the UseCharm call made earlier if it was).

Player action procedure

The actionid directly tells what action will be performed by a switch on it. Unlike enemy actions, there is no loop so the action is performed once and then completes.

For more information on the player actions logic, consult the main player actions documentation page.

Enemy action

This phase applies if the entity doesn't have a Player tag unless the enemy party member was denied their action during a firststrike.

Enemy action setup

This part of the enemy action phase occurs before any action is performed:

  • currentEnemy is set to the sent actionid
  • checkingdead is set to a new UseCharm call with the type being DefenseUp
  • All frames are yielded while checkingdead is in progress

The action can only occur if the enemy party member doesn't have a Flipped condition for 2 turns or more (the action is allowed if there's 1 turn left on it or the condition isn't present). If it doesn't occur, the coroutine skips to the post action phase.

If the enemy party member has either the Flipped or Topple conditions for exactly 1 turn left, the following occurs:

  • Both the Flipped and Topple conditions are removed via RemoveCondition on the enemy party member
  • Jump is called on the enemy party member with a height of 10.0
  • entity.overrideanim is set to false
  • entity.basestate and entity.animstate is set to 0 (Idle)
  • startstate is set to 0 (Idle)
  • 0.1 seconds are yielded

After, a couple of local variables are initialised which are enemy actions specific:

  • chance: A random integer between 0 and 100 exclusive (100 possible outcome)
  • chances: A float array starting at null
  • hardmode: A boolean that is true if any of the following is true (false if none are):
    • The DoublePain medal is equipped
    • flags 614 is true (HARDEST is active)
    • flags 166 is true (EX mode active on the B.O.S.S system)
  • pos: A vector starting at

After, if the enemy party member isdefending:

  • The enemy party member's isdefending is set to false
  • startstate is set to entity.basestate
  • entity.animstate is set to its basestate

Finally, all frames are yielded while entity is not onground.

Enemy action loop

Enemy actions works differently than player action in the sense they are all executed inside an infinite loop. This gives the ability for an action to perform many iterations before completing.

The action logic is determined by a giant switch on the enemy party member's animid which is its enemy id.

For more information on the enemy actions implementation, consult the enemy actions page.

Post action

This phase occurs after any actions. It starts with logic that allways occur no matter the action:

  • If demomode is true, the helpbox is destroyed if it existed
  • If entity has the Enemy tag, actionid is overriden to its corresponding enemy party member index
  • SetDefaultCamera is called
  • UpdateAnim is called

From there, what follows depends on if the actionid is -555 or not (whether this is a blank dummy call or not).

If it is, the only logic that happens is action is set to false switching to a controlled flow followed by skipping to the cleanup phase.

If it's not, the full post action logic occurs with 2 distinct branche:

  • fled is false meaning the action didn't signaled that the enemy party member fled the battle
  • fled is true meaning the action signaled that the enemy party member fled the battle

In either cases, they both end by setting all enemy party members's lockposition to false once they are done.

No fled enemy post action

  • entity.overrideanimspeed is set to false
  • entity.spin is zeroed out
  • playertargetID is reset to -1
  • killinput is set to true
  • FlipAngle is called on the entity
  • entity.overrideanim is reset to false
  • entity.overrideflip is set to true
  • entity.rigid gravity is enabled
  • 0.15 seconds are yielded
  • If the distance with the entity's position and startp is greater than 0.35, PlayMoveSound is called with the entity which plays its corresponding move sound if one exists for its animid using the audio source 9
  • MoveTowards is called on the entity to move towards startp with a multiplier of 2.0 using its walkstate as the state and startstate as the stopstate
  • All frames are yielded while the entity is in a forcemove
  • The audio source 9 has its sound stopped if applicable (this is the move sound played earlier if one existed)
  • A frame is yielded
  • entity's position is set to startp
  • entity.flip is reset to flip
  • entity.overrideflip is reset to false
  • 0.15 seconds are yielded
  • If randomposafter is true, an attempt with be made to change the enemy party member's position by generating a 50/50 random position between Ground and Flying. If the position changed from its previous one, the following is performed (in either cases, entity.oldid is reset to -1 after):
    • If the new enemy party member's position is Ground:
      • As long as entity.height is higher than entity.minheight, the Fall AnimationClip is played on entity.anim followed by entity.height being decreased by 0.075 of the game's frametime followed by a frame yield
      • entity.onground is set to true
      • entity.height is set to entity.minheight
      • entity.animstate is set to its basestate
      • A frame is yielded
      • If the entity.originalid isn't the BeeBot animids, entity.basestate in enum string format is played on entity.anim (this implies entity.basestate must be a predefind animation)
    • Otherwise (the new position is Flying):
      • Idlef is played on entity.anim
      • All frames are yielded while entity.height is less than 1.9 (entity.height is increased by 0.075 of the game's frametime each time before the frame yield)
      • entity.bobrange is reset to entity.startbf
      • entity.bobspeed is reset to entity.startbs
      • entity.height is set to 2.0
    • UpdateAnimSpecific is called on the entity
  • If the entity has the Player tag (this is a player party member):
    • If usedtp is above 0, nocharm is false and currentaction isn't ItemList (meaning a skill was used that had a paid cost to it while healing charms aren't disallowed):
      • flagvar 1 is set to usedtp / 2 clamped from 1 to usedtp (the integer division floors implicitly)
      • checkingdead is set to a new UseCharm call with the type being HealTP which heals for the amoutn set to flagvar 1 just before
      • All frames are yielded while checkingdead is in progress
    • playerdata[currentturn]'s tired is incremented if currentaction isn't ItemList and actionid is not among the following (these are all the team moves, the reason they are exempted from exhaustion is because their individual action logic already took care of incremented the proper tired fields so this would have been a second, unwanted increment):
      • 5 (BeeFly)
      • 26 (IceBeemerang)
      • 27 (IceDrill)
      • 31 (IceSphere)
    • playerdata[currentturn]'s tired is incremented again if turns is 0 (meaning this is the first turn of the battle) while the StrongStart medal is equipped
    • Unless dontusecharge is true, playerdata[currentturn]'s charge is reset to 0
    • EndPlayerTurn is called
    • currentaction is set to BaseAction
    • option is set to lastoption (this restores the main vine menu's selection to whichever was the last one selected)
    • If GetFreePlayerAmmount returns at least 1, UpdateText is called
  • Otherwise, if selfsacrifice is false (the enemy party member didn't killed themselves during their action):
    • If the enemy party member had any delayedcondition:
      • All delayedcondition are processed. See the delayed condition documentation to learn more
      • If any delayedcondition's processing caused a condition to be inflicted, the enemy party member's cantmove is set to 0 (EndEnemyTurn will later advance it making it 1 which means one actor turn needs to pass before an action is available)
      • If the enemy party member's position is Flying while its cantfall is false, entity.droproutine is set to a new Drop coroutine on the entity
      • 0.5 seconds are yielded
      • The enemy party member's delayedcondition is set to null
    • If nocharm is false (healing charms weren't disallowed):
      • checkingdead is set to a new UseCharm call with the type being HealHP
      • All frames are yielded while checkingdead is in progress
    • If the enemy party member was performaning a hitaction, enemy is set to false, giving control back to the player party
    • EndEnemyTurn is called with the actionid
  • UpdateConditionIcons is called which calls UpdateConditionBubbles on all battleentity (all playerdata with right to false and all enemydata with hp above 0 with right to true)
  • If this isn't a firststrike:
    • A CheckDead is done without storing the coroutine
  • Otherwise, action is set to false switching to a controlled flow
  • If this isn't a firststrike and any enemy party member has their battleentity.droproutine in progress:
    • action is set to true switching to an uncontrolled flow
    • startdrop is set to true which allows any existing enemy party members to fall during their droproutine
    • All frames are yielded while an enemy party member still has its battleentity.droproutine in progress (it also constantly set startdrop to true to make sure they can drop)
    • startdrop is reset to false
    • action is reset to false switching back to a controlled flow
  • UpdateConditionIcons is called which calls UpdateConditionBubbles on all battleentity (all playerdata with right to false and all enemydata with hp above 0 with right to true)

Fled enemy post action

  • EndEnemyTurn is called witht the actionid
  • UpdateConditionIcons is called which calls UpdateConditionBubbles on all battleentity (all playerdata with right to false and all enemydata with hp above 0 with right to true)
  • A CheckDead is performed, but the coroutine isn't stored anywhere.


This is the last phase of the coroutine:

  • selfsacrifice is reset to false
  • A frame is yielded
  • lastkill is reset to -1