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This action coroutine involves chompy's special attack phase when she is present. It it is called during the player phase after all player party members's actor turns are done. Whether or not this coroutine has ran is tracked by chompyattacked and whether or not it's in progress is tracked by the chompyattack coroutine (chompyaction also tells if the setup is complete).

The actual flow is only switched once the setup is complete meaning this coroutine may stay in a controlled flow for a little while before switching to an uncontrolled flow


This section runs first and performs any waits or setup needed before switching to an uncontrolled flow.

  • MainManager.listredirect is reset to null which is a workaround of the inlist issue
  • A frame is yielded if there's at least one extraenemies
  • All frames are yielded while checkingdead is in progress, summonnewenemy is true or while any enemy party member's battleentity is in a forcemove
  • ReorganizeEnemies(true) is called which removes all dead enemy party members and orders them by battleentity.position.x
  • RefreshEnemyPos is called which checks all enemydata whose hp is above 0, whose cantfall is false and whose position is Ground or Flying. If the enemy battleentity.height is above battleentity.minheight + 0.5, the position is set to Flying, Ground otherwise
  • combo is set to 1
  • chompyaction is set to true informing that the setup is complete
  • action is set to true switching to a uncontrolled flow
  • A frame is yielded

Vine menu setup

This section builds the vine menu.

  • A new GameObject named ChompyVine is created and childed to battlemap with a position of chompy's position + (0.0, 10.0, 0.0)
  • A new GameObject named Base is created and childed to ChompyVine with a scale of to (1.0, 0.75, 1.0) and angles of (0.0, -40.0, 0.0)
  • coptions is set to a new list with 2 elements being 0 and 1 (these are the attack and do nothing options)
  • The list of the ribbons's item ids in items[1] (key items) is obtained locally via EventControl.ChompyRibbons. Only the ChomperRibbon, PoisonRibbon, NumbRibbon, SleepRibbon and RedRibbon items counts
  • If the lost of ribbons isn't empty, 3 is added to coptions (this adds the switch ribbons option)
  • If flags 404 is true (chompy has a ribbon on her) and flagvar 56 (the item id of the ribbon chompy has on her) isn't ChomperRibbon RedRibbon or 0 (which means unequipped here), 2 is added to coptions (this adds the the ribbon specific attack option)
  • maxoptions is set to the final amount of coptions
  • option is set to chompyoption. This means the default option will be the last one selected during the battle, but if that option index is no longer available by checking if it's equal or higher than maxoption, option is set to 0 instead (attack)
  • For each option indexes available from 0 to maxoptions exclusive:
    • A Prefabs/Objects/Vine is instantiated to a new GameObject childed to the Base with a position of ChompyVine's position + (0.0, 0.0, -1.0), a scale of (2.5, 2.5, 2.5) and a SpriteRenderer component
    • ChompyVine's angles are decremented by (0.0, 360 / maxoptions converted to float, 0.0)
    • The sprite of the SpriteRenderer of the vine GameObject is set depending on the corrsponding coption matching the option index:
      • 0 (Attack): guisprites[147]
      • 1 (Do Nothing): guisprites[148]
      • 2 (Ribbon specific action): Depends on the flagvar 56 (the item id of the ribbon chompy has on her). This also initialises the attack property of the bite specific attack (check the selected option handling for details). The sprite is guisprites[158] for the PoisonRibbon, guisprites[159] for the NumbRibbon and guisprites[160] for the SleepRibbon. Additionally, if is less than 2, the material of the sprite is set to MainManager.grayscale
      • 3: (Switch Ribbon) guisprites[217]
    • The sprite of the vine GameObject's flipX is set to true
  • currentaction is set to Chompy
  • UpdateText is called

Vine menu selection loop

This is an infinite loop that runs until an option has been confirmed in the vine menu. Everything in this section runs perpetually until explicitly said otherwise.

  • RefreshEnemyHP is called
  • As long as input 4 (confirm) isn't pressed, the following runs in an inner infinite loop:
    • If input 3 (left) or input 2 (right) is pressed, the Scroll sound is played followed by the option being decremented or incremented accordingly with wrap around to maxoptions - 1 followed by UpdateText being called
    • Base y angle is lerped from the existing one to -option * (360.0 / maxoptions) - 40.0 with a factor of 1/10 of the game's frametime
    • Base's y scale is lerped from the existing one to 1.0 with a factor of 1/10 of the game's frametime (the x and z scale are set to 1.0)
    • A frame is yielded
  • Getting here means a main vine menu option was chosen. If it's 2 (ribbon specific action) while is less than 2, the buzzer sound is played followed by a frame yield followed by perfoming another iteration of the selection loop
  • If the confimed option isn't 3 (switch ribbons), the slection loop ends (switch ribbon is the only option that needs further handling once chosen)
  • The Confirm sound is played if it wasn't already
  • currentaction is set to BaseAction
  • UpdateTect is called
  • instance.multilist is set to the ribbons list obtained earlier except the one held in flagvar 56 (the one chompy has on her)
  • SetText is called in dialogue mode using the text |hide||pickitem,35,-11,-11| (which pops an ItemList with the chompy ribbons list type). The call has these properties:
    • fonttype of 0 (BubblegumSans)
    • linebreak of messagebreak
    • No tridimensional
    • position of
    • No cameraoffset
    • size of
    • No parent
    • No caller
  • RefreshEnemyHP is called
  • As long as the message lock is active:
    • Base's y angle is set to a lerp from the existing one to -option * (360.0 / maxoptions) - 40.0 with a fractor of framestep * 0.1
    • Base's y scale is lerped from the existing one to 1.0 with a factor of framestep * 0.1 (the x and z scale are set to 1.0)
    • A frame is yielded
  • Getting here means the ItemList handling and the dialogue has completed. If MainManager.listcancelled is true, it means the selection loop isn't done yet and the following is performed:
    • option is set to the value it had before the SetText call (this is because the ItemList system uses it so it restores the value to continue being used for the vine menu)
    • maxoptions is set to the amount of coptions (this is also because it was used as part of ItemList)
    • currentaction is set back to Chompy
    • UpdateText is called
    • Another iteration of the vine menu selection loop is performed
  • The value of flagvar 0 is saved locally (this corresponds to the item id of the selected ribbon)
  • The vine menu selection loop ends here as the switch ribbon option was just confirmed

Selected option handling

Getting here means that an option has been confirmed in the vine menu selection loop and the coroutine is ready to handle it.

  • chompyoption is set to the selected option
  • currentaction is reset to BaseAction
  • UpdateText is called
  • The Confirm sound is played
  • The ChompyVine object is destroyed
  • hideenemyhp is set to true

What follows depends on the coption[option] selected.

0 (Attack) or 2 (Ribbon specific action)

  • If the coption is 2 (ribbon specific action), is decreased by 2
  • All player party members has DestroyConditionIcons called on their entity (not battleentity)
  • All enemy party members has DestroyConditionIcons called on their entity if it exists (this is normally the same than battleentity)
  • The enemy party member to target is obtained by getting the first one whose position is Ground or enemydata[0] if none are found
  • MainManager.SetCamera is called with no target, the targetted enemy's battleentity's position as the targetpos, 0.03 as the speed and (0.0, 2.85, -7.5) as the offset
  • The x/z position of chompy are saved locally (the y component is saved to 0.0)
  • chompy's overrideflip is set to true
  • MoveTowards is called on chompy to move towards the targetted enemy's battleentity's position + (0.0 - the size of the targetted enemy, 0.0, -0.1) with a multiplier of 3.0
  • All frames are yielded while chompy is in a forcemove
  • chompy's animstate is set to 100
  • The Chew sound is played with a pitch of 1.5
  • If the targetted enemy's position is indeed Ground (always happen unless no grounded enemies existed earlier):
    • DoCommand is called with a timer of 60.0, a commandtype of PressKeyTimer and a data being a one element array containing a random integer between 4 and 6 converted to float
    • A frame is yielded
    • All frames are yielded while doingaction is true
  • A base amount of damage to deal is determined. It's 2 + the amount of HelperBoost medals equipped (under normal gameplay, there's only 1 medal so the value is 3 with the medal, 2 without)
  • If the targetted enemy's position is indeed Ground (always happen unless no grounded enemies existed earlier) and commandsuccess is true:
    • chompy's animstate is set to 102
    • The Bite sound is played with a pitch of 1.25
    • DoDamage is called without attacker to the targetted enemy for a damage of the base amount determined earlier (with 1 added if flags 404 is true and flagvar 56 is ChomperRibbon meaning that ribbon is currently on Chompy) without block. The property depends on the ribbon:
      • PoisonRibbon: Poison
      • NumbRibbon: Numb
      • SleepRibbon: Sleep
      • Anything else: No properties
    • if flagvar 56 (the item id of the ribbon chompy has on her) is RedRibbon and lastdamage is above 0:
      • is incremented then clamped from 0 to instance.maxtp
      • The Heal2 sound is played
      • ShowDamageCounter is called with type 2 (TP) with an ammount of 1 starting from chompy's position + (-1.0, 1.0, 0.0) and ending at Vector3.up
  • Otherwise (meaning no grounded enemies existed or the action command was failed):
    • 0.1 seconds are yielded
    • The AtkFail sound is played
    • chompy's animstate is set to 103
  • 0.4 seconds are yielded
  • SetDefaultCamera is called
  • chompy's rigid constraints are set to freeze everything except x/z position
  • MoveTowards is called on chompy to move her to the position saved earlier with a multiplier of 2.0
  • All frames are yielded while chompy is in a forcemove
  • StopForceMove is called on chompy
  • chompy's rigid gravity is enabled
  • chompy's position is set to the one saved earlier
  • A frame is yielded
  • chompy's flip is set to true
  • chompy's overrideflip is reset to false
  • startdrop is set to true (this allows enemies that requires dropping to finish their drops)
  • A frame is yielded (this lets the drops finish)
  • startdrop is set back to false (since it's no longer needed)
  • The targetted enemy party member (if any existed) has their blockTimes reset to 0
  • checkingdead is set to a new CheckDead coroutine
  • All frames are yielded while checkingdead is in progress
  • If there's still any enemy party member with an hp above 0, action is set to false switching to a controlled flow (this means the flow isn't changed if all enemies are dead)

1 (Do Nothing)

The only thing that happens is action is set to false switching to a controlled flow

3 (Switch ribbon)

  • The Switch sound is played
  • chompy's spin is set to (0.0, -20.0, 0.0)
  • 0.33 seconds are yielded
  • The selected ribbon's item id is removed from items[1] (key items)
  • If flags 404 is false (Chompy doesn't have a ribbon on her), flags 404 is set to true. Otherwise, flagvar 56 (the item id of the ribbon chompy has on her) is added to items[1] (key items) if it didn't existed in the list already
  • flagvar 56 (the item id of the ribbon chompy has on her) is set to the selected ribbon item id
  • ChompyRibbon is called on chompy using their extrasprites[0] (their ribbon) which changes its color depending on flagvar 56 (the item id of the ribbon chompy has on her):
    • PoisonRibbon: Lerp between pure red and pure blue with a factor of 0.65 (this means purple with a bit more blue)
    • NumbRibbon: Lerp between pure yellow and pure black with a factor of 0.2 (mostly yellow)
    • SleepRibbon: Lerp between pure green and pure black with a factor of 0.3 (mostly green)
    • RedRibbon: Lerp between pure white and pure bluw with a factor of 0.5 (light blue)
    • Any other item id: Lerp between pure red and pure white with a factor of 0.5 (light red)
  • 0.1 seconds are yielded
  • chompy's spin is zeroed out
  • action is set to false switching to a controlled flow


This section contains all the cleanup steps needed to end the action coroutine.

  • A frame is yielded if there's at least one extraenemies
  • All frames are yielded while checkingdead is in progress, summonnewenemy is true or while any enemy party member's battleentity is in a forcemove
  • RefreshEnemyHP is called
  • chompyaction is reset to false
  • chompyattacked is set to true
  • chompyattack is set to null indicating the coroutine is done