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This is an action coroutine that runs at specific points during the battle to check the health of every actors and if any are found dead when they weren't before, the coroutine performs the process to kill them properly mainly by calling Death on their battleentity. The coroutine is usually stored on the checkingdead field which tracks whether or not a CheckDead is in progress, but other coroutines may use this field.

NOTE: This field is shared by other coroutines, but as long as care is taken such that no collisions happens, this is fine. Under normal gameplay, this is normally safe.

The coroutine does nothing if gameover is in progress. In that case, checkingdead is set to null followed by a yield break.

Here's the CheckDead procedure:

  • deadenemypos is reset to a new list
  • action is set to true which changes to an uncontrolled flow
  • For player party member whose hp is 0 or below while their battleentity.death is false (meaning this member should be dead, but isn't currently), the player death process occurs (see the section below for more details)
  • From there, if there are no longer any player party members with an hp above 0 while not eatenby, a DeadParty terminal coroutine is started changing to a terminal flow followed by a yield break which abruptly ends this CheckDead
  • If any player party member were killed, SetLastTurns is called which resets lastturns to a new aray with the length being the amount of free players - 1 and all elements being -1 (this resets the player selection cycle)
  • The enemy death checks occurs (see the section below for details)
  • If deadenemypos isn't empty (meaning at least one enemy party member died or fled during this CheckDead), extraenemies isn't empty and there are still player party members with an hp above 0 while not being eatenby, the extraenemies summons procedure is performed (check the section below for details)
  • If there are no longer any enemy party members left while mainturn isn't in progress, mainturn is set to a new AdvanceMainTurn call which will take care of detecting the terminal case of winning the battle and act accordingly
  • Otherwise:
    • A frame is yielded
    • If EnemyDropping reports that all enemy party members's battleentity.droproutine isn't in progress while mainturn isn't in progress, action is set to false which will change to a controlled flow once CheckDead completes. NOTE: It is possible that Chompy is running by this point because it is possible Chompy killed an enemy and if an extraenemies summon happens later, it can lead into a situation where if the killing this enemy leads to other's hitaction being triggered, action would be set to false causing a DoAction call to happen BEFORE Chompy sees that CheckDead completed which leads to yet another DoAction so 2 concurent calls will be racing against each other
  • If we aren't inevent, ReorganizeEnemies is called with order
  • checkingdead is set to null which reports to the rest of BattleControl that CheckDead is no longer in progress

Player party member death process

  • tired is set to 0 (removes all exhaustions)
  • charge is set to 0
  • StartDeath is called on the battleentity which starts a Death process on it
  • If enemy is true (the player party member died during the enemy phase, a hitaction or a delproj advance), turnssinedeath is set to -1 (this is so it gets incremented to 0 on their AdvanceTurnEntity later).
  • ClearStatus is called on the player party member
  • battleentity.dead is set to true (the Death process already does that)
  • If the battleentity.animid matches the battle's forceattack, it is reset to -1 (since the target is no longer valid)

Enemy party death checks

The following is enclosed in an infinite while loop, but in practice, it will only be iterated a maximum of 2 times.

An enemy party member is considered dead if they have fled or their hp isn't above 0 while their battleentity isn't dead yet. For each that are found:

  • The battleentity position is added to deadenemypos
  • DestroyConditionIcons is called on the battleentity

From there, the dying process depends if the enemy party member fled or not.

Die by fleeing

The following happened if CheckDead found the enemy party member fled:

  • battleentity's position is set to offscreen at (0.0, -1000.0, 0.0)
  • If destroyentity is true, the battle entity gets disabled

Die by hp not being above 0

The following happens if CheckDead found the enemy hasn't fled meaning they were found dead because their hp wasn't above 0:

  • charge is set to 0
  • condition is reset to a new list
  • LockRigid(false) is called on the battleentity to unlock its rigid
  • If holditem wasn't -1, DropItem is called on the enemy party member with additem true
  • If animid (the enemy id) is less than the amount of instance.enemyencounter (normally 256), alreadycounted is false and battleentity.cotunknown is false (this isn't a Cave Of Trials's shadow), the corresponding bestiary entry's defeated counter is incremented followed by setting alreadycounted to true
  • The EXP amount is obtained by performing a BattleControl.GetEXP call on the exp, fixedexp and the animid (the enemy id) clamped from 0 to instance.neededexp unless battleentity is a hologram in which case, it's clamped from 0 to 5 instead. This method can change the rewarded exp with a given scaled enemy's exp field, check the documentation to learn more
  • expreward is increased by the amount determined above and then clamped from 0 to instance.neededexp
  • moneyreward is increased by the return of GetMoney using money which is a uniform random number between 0 and money inclusive
  • exp is set to 0
  • If eventondeath is -1:
    • Death is called on the battleentity
    • entity.spitexp is set to the amount of EXP determined earlier
    • money is set to 0
  • Otherwise if inevent is false, inevent is set to true followed by an EventDialogue starting with eventondeath as the id
  • If the current enemy party member index is still valid (protects against an edgecase that can involve EventDialogue 9 which involves the Acolyte enemy):
    • If deathtype is 2, 3, 4 or 5, the enemy party member is added to reservedata
    • The animid (the enemy id) is added to instance.lastdefeated

Cleanup and diebyitself rechecks

The following happens after all checks are done:

  • UpdateConditionIcons is called which calls UpdateConditionBubbles on the battleentity (all playerdata with right to false and all enemydata with hp above 0 with right to true)
  • If any enemy was found to be dead or fled earlier, ReorganizeEnemies is called without skip

Finally, this is where all of this section's logic can be reiterated. It happens if all of the reamining enemy party members have their diebyitself set to true. This means that they should die automatically and in order to do so, their hp are set to 0 and their diebyitself set to false to avoid reentering this case.

By reiterating all the enemies check like this, CheckDead will be forced to detect the death of all remaining enemy party members because their hp were just set to 0. This recheck can only happen once making the loop iterating a maximum of 2 times.

extraenemies summons

This section will move the appropriate amount of extraenemies to the main enemydata array so the ones that died can be replaced when applicable. Here's the process:

  • All the enemy party members that died or fled during this CheckDead has their droproutine stopped then set to null if it was in progress
  • For each deadenemypos (but not more than the amount in extraenemies):
    • summonnewenemy is set to true
    • SummonEnemy is called with type Offscreen, the enemy id being the extraenemies at the same index than the deadenemypos and the position being the deadenemypos
    • 0.5 seconds are yielded
  • All frames are yielded as long as summonnewenemy is true and EnemiesAreNotMoving reports false (meaning at least one enemy party member has their battleentity is in a forcemove)
  • If is the AbandonedCity map and flags 400 (temporary slot) is true, all enemy party members have 2 SetCondition calls on them: one with AttackUp for 999999 actor turns and one with DefenseUp for 999999 actor turns
  • All the corresponding extraenemies that were just summoned are removed from extraenemies
  • A frame is yielded