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This is an action coroutine that runs at the very end of every main turn when both parties no longer can act for this turn.


  • commandsuccess is reset to false
  • blockcooldown is reset to 0.0
  • action is set to true which changes to an uncontrolled flow
  • If the following conditions are met, delprojs are processed (see the section below for details):
    • delprojs isn't empty
    • There are at least one player party member who has their hp above 0 while not eatenby
    • There are at least one enemy party member who has their hp above 0
    • gameover isn't in progress
  • nonphyscal is set to false
  • Each player party member gets their actor turn advanced (see the section below for details)
  • A frame is yielded
  • availableplayers is set to the amount of player party members whose hp is above 0
  • If availableplayers is 0, DeadParty is started followed by an abrupt yield break. This will change to a terminal flow as it is a terminal coroutine.
  • If there is at least one enemy party member, the enemy party section of the turn advancement is performed alongside some end of main turn process (see the section below for details)
  • Otheriwse if gameover was already in progress, a yield break is issued because it means we already changed to a terminal flow and nothing is left to do
  • Otherwise:
    • cancelupdate is set to true changing to a terminal flow
    • A second is yielded
    • If inevent is false (we weren't in an EventDialogue), AddExperience is started changing to a terminal flow. NOTE: the coroutine still continues, but in practice, it can't race against AddExperience
  • If actedthisturn is false, noaction is incremented
  • If gameover isn't in progress while noaction is 5 (meaning 5 main turns passed without the ability for the player party to act), the inaction failsafe is done (see the section below for more details)
  • actedthisturn is set to false
  • forceattack is set to -1
  • playertargetID is set to -1
  • If damagethisturn is higher than flagvar 41 (highest damage in one turn), the flagvar value is set to damagethisturn
  • damagethisturn is set to 0
  • RefreshAllData is called which sets alldata to a new list which consists of all the playerdata followed by all the enemydata appended together and it also resets all enemy party member's blockTimes to 0
  • UpdateEntities is called
  • UpdateAnim is called
  • option is set to lastaction
  • If there is at least one enemy party member, UpdateAnim is invoked again in 0.75 seconds
  • If charmcooldown is above 0, it is decremented
  • chompyattacked is set to false
  • hideenemyhp is set to false
  • mainturn is set to null (which signals the coroutine is no longer in progress as no yield will be done from now on)
  • blockcooldown is set to 0.0 (this resets the GetBlock counter so blocking becomes inactive)
  • All GameObjects with tag DestroyTurn have their tag set to Untagged followed by their destruction in 5.0 seconds

delprojs advance

delprojs (or delayed projectiles) are projectiles that an enemy can launch and the projectile will only hit the targetted player party member after a certain amount of main turns passed. This section processes them.

The first thing that happens is nonphyscal is set to true (it will be set to false after this section).

From there, for each delprojs (going from last to start), the delproj's turns gets decremented and if it reached 0, it will land by doing the following:

  • instance.camtarget is set to null
  • instance.camtargetpos is set to (-4.25, 0.0, 0.0)
  • instance.camoffset is set to (0.0, 4.0, -8.5)
  • enemy is set to true
  • blockcooldown is set to 0.0
  • commandsuccess is set to false
  • If the delproj has a whilesound set, it is played on loop unless the first character is @ in which case, it will play the sound only once where name is the one without the @
  • The args of the delproj are parsed as explained in the delayed projectile documentation
  • Unless a noshadow command was parsed, a ShadowLite is added to the delproj's obj
  • For delproj's framestep amount of frames, the projectile is moved (kept track with a local frame counter starting at 0.0 and getting incremented by MainManager.framestep each iteraction):
    • The delproj's obj psotion is set to a lerp from the initial one to the partypos of the delproj's position + the move command offset if it was parsed with a factor of the ratio between the amount of frames spent so far on this loop vs delproj's framestep
    • A frame is yielded
  • If the delproj had a whilesound, it is stopped. NOTE: if this wasn't a looped sound, the call won't work, but the sound will stop on its own
  • If the delproj has a deathsound, it is played
  • If the delproj has deathparticle, they are played at the obj position + the partoff command offset if it was parsed
  • The delproj's obj is destroyed
  • If the player party member whose index is the partypointer corresponding to the delproj's position has an hp above 0 and doesn't have an eatenby, some logic is performed on this player party member:
    • DoDamage is called targetting the player party memmber without an attacker for delproj's damage damageammount with delproj's property as the property and commandsuccess as the block
    • If the hp of the player party member reached 0 or below, their turnssincedeath is set to -1
  • RemoveDelayedProjectile is called on the delproj which removes it from delprojs
  • enemy is set to false
  • 0.6 seconds are yielded

If any delprojs landed:

  • SetDefaultCamera is called
  • checkingdead is set to a CheckDead action coroutine starting
  • All frames are yielded while checkingdead is in progress
  • action is set again to true
  • A frame is yielded
  • All actors from both parties with a cantmove below 1 (at least one action available) gets their cantmove clamped from 1 to 99 (forcing at least one turn needed before an action is available). This in practice doesn't do anything destructive because moreturnnextturn is granted later correctly and it's not possible to have a meaningul cantmove above 0 by this point (if it happened, it likely means the player party member IsStopped which imply that when the stopping condition gets removed, the cantmove will reset anyway).
  • currentturn is set to 1 (deselects any previously selected player party member)
  • 0.5 seconds are yielded

Player party advance

This section happens for each player party member.

  • The corresponding receivedrelay of the player party member index is set to false
  • AdvanceTurnEntity is called on the player party member with hasdelay starting at false
  • If the turn advancement resulted in hasdelay becoming true, 0.75 seconds are yielded
  • If eatenkill is true (meaning a player party member died as a result of an eating attack) the game needs to properly kill the player party member that died by doing the following:
    • eatenkill is set to false
    • All frames are yielded while spitout is in progress
    • checkingdead is set to a new CheckDead coroutine starting
    • All frames are yielded while checkingdead is in progress
  • battleentity.shakeice is set to false

Finally, if the MiracleMatter medal is equipped on the player party member, a revival process will occur, but it can only happen if on top of the medal being equipped, all the following are true:

  • This isn't a firststrike from the enemy party
  • At least one player party member has its hp above 0 without being eatenby
  • lockmmater is false
  • The player party member has its turnssincedeath be at least (2 - amount of MiracleMatter equipped - 1) after clamping from 1 to 3 (essentially, at least 2 if only one is equipped, at least 1 if 2, at least 0 if more is equipped, but this case isn't possible under normal gameplay)

If all the conditions are met, the revive occurs as follows:

  • turnssincedeath is set to 0
  • RevivePlayer is called on the player party member index with 2 hp and with showcounter
  • 0.5 seconds are yielded
  • If the player party member's lockcantmove is false, their cantmove is set to 0 (this gives them one action available)
  • The player party member's lockcantmove is set to false

Enemy party advance and end of main turn process

This section not only manages enemy turn advance, but it also does some end of main turn process because being in this section means the battle is not going to end.

The first thing that happens is relating to the FavoriteOne medal which is tracked by attackedally. If it's not negative, it means the player party member with the matching trueid was attacked and the other members should receive the medal's benefits. This is only done if there is more than 1 player party member's hp above 0 while not being eatenby.

NOTE: This imply that if the attackedally player party member got hit as well as another player party member on the same main turn, the logic won't happen because the game requires more than 1 player party members alive. This isn't correct: it should require at least 1 player party member alive instead of 2 or more.

The process to apply the medal is as follows:

  • For each player party member whose trueid isn't attackedally with an hp above 0 and without the Eaten condition:
    • battleentity.emoticoncooldown is set to 40.0
    • didnothing is set to false
    • battleentity.emoticonid is set to 2 (red ! mark)
  • If at least one player party member had an emote set, the Wam sound is played
  • All frames are yielded while the last player party member's battleentity.emoticoncooldown is above 0.0
  • For each player party member whose trueid isn't attackedally with an hp above 0 with a charge less than 3 and without the Eaten condition:
    • A StatEffect of type 4 (green up arrow) coroutine is started on the player party member
    • charge is incremented
  • If at least one player party member gained a charge, the StatUp sound is played at 1.25 pitch
  • 0.5 seconds are yielded
  • attackedally is reset to -1

From there, each enemy party members gets their turn advanced by having the following logic apply to each of them:

  • AdvanceTurnEntity is called on the eneny party member with hasdelay starting at false which advances their actor turn
  • If hasdelay got a value of true after the turn advancement, 0.75 seconds are yielded
  • battleentity.shakeice is set to false
  • If cantmove is 0 (they would have only 1 action available after the actor turn), cantmove is set to -moves + 1 (this resets the available actions counter to the base one set from the normal amount being moves)
  • battleentity.spin is zeroed out
  • turnsnodamage is incremented (this value is only written to, but never read so it's UNUSED)

Finally, some end of main turn process logic occurs:

  • SetLastTurns is called which resets lastturns elements to be all -1 which resets the player party member selection cycle
  • A frame is yielded
  • turns is incremented
  • checkingdead is set to a EndOfTurnMedals coroutine starting followed by all frames being yielded while the coroutine is in progress. This is what the coroutine does:
    • Every 2 turns, for each player party member with the HappyHeart medal equipped and whose hp is above 0:
      • Heal is called on the player party member with the amount being 2 * the amount of HappyHeart medals equipped
      • 0.5 seconds are yielded
    • Every 2 turns (same cycle as the one above), if the HappyTP medal is equipped:
      • HealTP is called which plays a Heal2 sound followed by a heal of by 2 * the amount of HappyTP medals equipped clamped from 0 to instance.maxtp followed by a ShowDamageCounter with type 2 (TP), the amount being the amount of tp healed, the start position being playerdata[GetRandomAvaliablePlayer()].battleentity position + (2.0, 2.0, 2.0) and the end position being (5.0, 5.0, 5.0)
      • 0.5 seconds are yielded
    • checkingdead is set to null which informs the caller the coroutine has ended so it can stop yielding
  • option is set to 0
  • currentturn is set to -1 (this unselects any players party members previously selected)
  • enemy is set to false (this resets the controlled flow to be in the player phase)
  • UpdateConditionIcons is called which calls UpdateConditionBubbles on all battleentity (all playerdata with right to false and all enemydata with hp above 0 with right to true)
  • action is set to false changing to a controlled flow
  • UpdateText is called

Inaction failsafe

There is a failsafe in the game where if after 5 main turns, PlayerTurn was never called meaning the player party could in no way perform any actions, the game will forcefully allow the player party to act again. This is tracked by actedthisturn being false reporting no action could be taken and the total amount of main turn is tracked by noaction. This failsafe exists presumably to mitigate a situation where the player party is stopped for too long notably through the results of stopping conditions.

The failsafe is applied by doing the following:

  • noaction is reset to 0
  • For each player party member that IsStopped without skipimmobile while their hp is above 0:
    • MagicUp particles are played at the battleentity position
    • ClearStatus is called on the player party member
    • Their cantmove is set to 0 making them able to act again
  • UpdateConditionIcons is called which calls UpdateConditionBubbles on all battleentity (all playerdata with right to false and all enemydata with hp above 0 with right to true)
  • UpdateAnim is called
  • If at least one player party member had ClearStatus called on them earlier, the Heal3 sound is played followed by a 0.5 seconds yield