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This action coroutine involves the aiparty doing its attack which is hardcoded according to its animid.

When the coroutine starts, all frames will be yielded as long as any enemy party member is in a forcemove. Once they are all done, the actual logic starts.


  • action is set to true switching to an uncontrolled flow
  • combo is set to 1
  • ReorganizeEnemies(true) is called which sets enemydata to be all the alive enemies ordered by their x position
  • The position of the aiparty is saved locally as the starting position


This section depends on the animid of aiparty.


  • MoveTowards is called on the aiparty to (-1.77, 0.0, -0.55) with a multiplier of 2.0
  • Yield all frames until aiparty.forcemove is done
  • aiparty animstate set to 105
  • aiparty's y spin set to 30.0
  • Woosh sound plays at 1.2 pitch on loop
  • Yield for 0.5 seconds
  • Woosh sound stops
  • aiparty.spin zeroed out
  • Toss8 sound plays
  • Toss2 sound played and has its AudioSource returned by PlaySound on sounds[3] with 0.8 pitch on loop. NOTE: This unexpectedly will return null if MainManager.soundvolume is 0.0 (the player muted the sound volume) which will cause an exception to be thrown
  • Prefabs/Objects/Shield gets instantiated
  • All enemy party members whose position is Ground are selected for targetting via GetTargetList
  • aiparty animstate set to 102
  • Over the course of 40.0 frames:
    • Prefabs/Objects/Shield position is lerped from aiparty position + 1.25 in y to + 15.0 in x
    • On each frame, Prefabs/Objects/Shield z angles increases by 10.0 * MainManager.framestep
    • The ParticleSystem in the Prefabs/Objects/Shield prefab (an underglow copy of the shield) has its MainModule's startRotationMultiplier set to the new shield's z angle
    • On the first frame the shield x position becomes the same or higher than a new target's x position (the shield passes through them in x), DoDamage is called without attacker to the target for a damageammount of 1 + amount of HelperBoost medals equipped without properties and block. This means each target selected earlier will get damages
    • The Toss2 AudioSource's volume gets lerped from 1.0 to 0.0 and then multiplied by MainManager.soundvolume. NOTE: As explained above, if MainManager.soundvolume is 0.0 (muted), this is where an exception will be thrown
  • Yield for 0.5 seconds
  • All enemy party members whose position is Flying are selected for targetting via GetTargetList, but the order is reversed after returned
  • Over the course of 40.0 frames:
    • Prefabs/Objects/Shield position is lerped from its position to aiparty position + 1.25 in y
    • On each frame, Prefabs/Objects/Shield z angles decreases by 10.0 * MainManager.framestep
    • The ParticleSystem in the Prefabs/Objects/Shield prefab (an underglow copy of the shield) has its MainModule's startRotationMultiplier set to the new shield's z angle
    • On the first frame the shield x position becomes the same or higher than a new target's x position (the shield passes through them in x), DoDamage is called without attacker to the target for a damageammount of 1 + amount of HelperBoost medals equipped without properties and block. This means each target selected earlier will get damages
    • The Toss2 AudioSource's volume gets lerped from 0.0 to 1.0 and then multiplied by MainManager.soundvolume. NOTE: As explained above, if MainManager.soundvolume is 0.0 (muted), this is where an exception will be thrown
  • sounds[3] stops playing
  • Ding2 sound plays
  • The Prefabs/Objects/Shield gets destroyed
  • aiparty animstate set to 104
  • Yield return a SlowSpinStop call on aiparty with a spinammount of -50.0 in y and a frametime of 100.0
  • MoveTowards is called on the aiparty to its position before this attack with a multiplier of 2.0, a state of 1 (Walk) and a stopstate of 0 (Idle)
  • Yield all frames until aiparty.forcemove is done
  • aiparty's position is set to the starting position before this attack
  • aiparty.flip set to true
  • aiparty animstate set to 13 (BattleIdle)


All enemy party members whose position is Ground or Flying are selected for targetting via GetTargetList. If there's at least one potential target:

  • eri's entity is obtained (it's the first child of aiparty)
  • A new sprite object is created at eri's position + 3.25 in y without a sprite for now
  • eri animstate set to 4 (ItemGet)
  • A random item sprite among 3 is selected to be the sprite's sprite with the following weighted odds:
    • 3/8: PoisonDart
    • 3/8: NumbDart
    • 2/8: SleepBomb
  • ItemHold sound plays
  • Yield for 1.0 second
  • eri animstate set to 0 (Idle)
  • aiparty animstate set to 100
  • Toss12 sound plays
  • A random target is selected among the target list obtained earlier
  • Depending on the item sprite set earlier, a move is performed:
    • PoisonDart:
      • The item object z angle is set to 135.0
      • Over the course of 30.0 frames, the item object position is lerped from aiparty position + (0.75, 1.0, -0.1) to the target position + their cursoroffset + (0.0, -0.25 + their height, -0.1)
      • PoisonEffect sound plays
      • DoDamage called without attacker to the target for a damageammount of 2 + amount of HelperBoost medals equipped with a property of Poison without block
    • NumbDart:
      • The item object z angle is set to 135.0
      • Over the course of 30.0 frames, the item object position is lerped from aiparty position + (0.75, 1.0, -0.1) to the target position + their cursoroffset + (0.0, -0.25 + their height, -0.1)
      • DeathSmoke particles plays at the item object
      • DoDamage called without attacker to the target for a damageammount of 2 + amount of HelperBoost medals equipped with a property of Sleep without block
    • SleepBomb:
      • Over the course of 45.0 frames, the item object position moves from aiparty position + (0.75, 1.0, -0.1) to the target position + their cursoroffset + (0.0, -0.25 + their height, -0.1) via a BeizierCurve3 with a ymax of 4.0. On each frame, the item object z angle increases by 3.0 * MainManager.framestep
      • DeathSmoke particles plays at the target with a size of 4.0x
      • DoDamage called without attacker to the target for a damageammount of 3 + amount of HelperBoost medals equipped with a property of Sleep without block
      • For each enemy party members other than the target whose SqrDistance from the target to their position + their freezeoffset + their heigth in y falls within 15.5, DoDamage called without attacker to the enemy party member for a damageammount of 1 + amount of HelperBoost medals equipped with a property of Sleep without block
      • Explosion sound plays
      • ShakeScreen called with an ammount of 0.2 for 0.5 time
  • The item object gets destroyed
  • Yield for 0.5 seconds
  • aiparty animstate set to 0 (Idle)


  • All enemy party members whose position is Ground or Flying are selected for targetting via GetTargetList
  • If there's at least 1 target available, the following happens 2 times:
    • A random target is selected amount the target list obtained earlier
    • aiparty.specialanim is set to a new ZaspWarp coroutine without appear
    • Yield all frames until aiparty.specialanim is done
    • aiparty.specialanim is set to a new ZaspWarp coroutine with appear at the target + (+ or - 1.5 determined with a 50/50 RNG check, 0.5, -0.1)
    • Yield for a frame
    • aiparty FaceTowards the target
    • Yield all frames until aiparty.specialanim is done
    • Toss3 sound plays
    • aiparty animstate set to 102
    • Yield for 0.15 seconds
    • DoDamage called without attacker to the target for a damageammount of 2 + amount of HelperBoost medals equipped without property or block
    • Yield for 0.33 seconds
  • If there was at least one possible target:
    • aiparty.specialanim is set to a new ZaspWarp coroutine without appear
    • Yield all frames until aiparty.specialanim is done
    • aiparty.specialanim is set to a new ZaspWarp coroutine with appear at their position before this attack
    • aiparty.flip set to true
    • Yield all frames until aiparty.specialanim is done
    • aiparty animstate set to 13 (BattleIdle)


  • The first enemy party member whose position is Ground will be set as the target (enemydata[0] is set as falback if no grounded enemies exists)
  • aiparty.overrideflip is set to true
  • CameraFocus is called on the targetted enemy's battleentity's position which changes instance.camoffset to (0.0, 2.6, -6.0), instance.camtarget to null and instance.camtargetpos to the position of the targetted enemy
  • MoveTowards is called on the aiparty to the targetted enemy's battleentity's position + (-1.25 * the targetted enemy's size, 0.0, -0.1) with a multiplier of 2.0 using animstate 1 (Walk) and stopping at animstate 100
  • Yield all frames while aiparty is in a forcemove
  • Yield for 0.25 seconds
  • Damages is only dealt if the targetted enemy's position was indeed Ground via a DoDamage call without attacker to the targetted enemy for a damageammount of 2 + amount of HelperBoost medals equipped with a property of Pierce without block. No damage is dealt if the enemy wasn't grounded (meaning none existed in the first place)
  • Yield for 20.0 frames
  • SetDefaultCamera is called
  • Yield for 0.33 seconds
  • MoveTowards is called on the aiparty to the starting position saved earlier with a multiplier of 2.0 using animstate 1 (Walk) and stopping at animstate 0 (Idle)
  • Yield all frames while aiparty is in a forcemove
  • aiparty's position is set to the starting position saved earlier


  • The first enemy party member whose position is Ground will be set as the target (enemydata[0] is set as falback if no grounded enemies exists)
  • aiparty.overrideflip is set to true
  • CameraFocus is called on the targetted enemy's battleentity's position which changes instance.camoffset to (0.0, 2.6, -6.0), instance.camtarget to null and instance.camtargetpos to the position of the targetted enemy
  • MoveTowards is called on the aiparty to the targetted enemy's battleentity's position + (-1.25 * the targetted enemy's size, 0.0, -0.1) with a multiplier of 2.0 using animstate 1 (Walk) and stopping at animstate 100
  • Yield all frames while aiparty is in a forcemove
  • Yield for 0.25 seconds
  • Damages is only dealt if the targetted enemy's position was indeed Ground via a DoDamage call without attacker to the targetted enemy for a damageammount of 1 + amount of HelperBoost medals equipped without properties and block. No damage is dealt if the enemy wasn't grounded (meaning none existed in the first place)
  • SetDefaultCamera is called
  • Yield for 0.33 seconds
  • MoveTowards is called on the aiparty to the starting position saved earlier with a multiplier of 2.0 using animstate 1 (Walk) and stopping at animstate 5 (Angry)
  • Yield all frames while aiparty is in a forcemove
  • aiparty's position is set to the starting position saved earlier


  • The first enemy party member whose position is Ground or Flying will be set as the target (-1 is set as falback if no enemies exists in either position)
  • If a target was found (-1 wasn't returned):
    • aiparty.overrideflip is set to true
    • aiparty.overridejump is set to true
    • MainManager.SetCamera is called with no target, the targetted enemy's battleentity's position as the targetpos, 0.03 as the speed and (0.0, 2.85, -7.5) as the offset
    • MoveTowards is called on the aiparty to the targetted enemy's battleentity's position + (-2.5, 0.0, -0.15) with a multiplier of 2.5
    • Yield all frames while aiparty is in a forcemove
    • aiparty.overrideanim is set to true
    • aiparty.animstate is set to 100
    • LockRigid(false) is called to unlock the rigid
    • Yield for 0.33 seconds
    • If the targetted enemy's position was Flying, Jump is called on the aiparty with aiparty.jumpheight * 1.2 as the height followed by the Jump sound being played
    • Yield for 0.33 seconds
    • The Woosh3 sound is played
    • DoDamage is called without attacker to the targgeted enemy with a damageammount of 3 + amount of HelperBoost medals equipped without properties and block
    • Yield for 0.5 seconds
    • aiparty.overrideanim is set to false
    • MoveTowards is called on the aiparty to the starting position saved earlier with a multiplier of 2.0 using animstate 1 (Walk) and stopping at animstate 13 (BattleIdle)
    • Yield all frames while aiparty is in a forcemove
    • aiparty's position is set to the starting position saved earlier
    • Yield for a frame
    • aiparty.flip is set to true
    • aiparty.overrideflip is set to false


  • aiparty.overrideflip is set to true
  • The first enemy party member whose position is Ground will be set as the target (enemydata[0] is set as falback if no grounded enemies exists)
  • If the targetted enemy's position isn't Ground (meaning none was found), the attack won't do any damage and its logic will end after doing the following:
    • aiparty.overrideanim is set to false
    • aiparty.animstate is set to 8 (Happy)
    • Yield for 0.5 seconds
    • aiparty.animstate is set to 0 (Idle)
  • The logic proceed, starting by calling MainManager.SetCamera is called with no target, the targetted enemy's battleentity's position as the targetpos, 0.03 as the speed and (0.0, 2.85, -7.5) as the offset
  • MoveTowards is called on the aiparty to the targetted enemy's battleentity's position + (-1.5, 0.0, -0.15) with a multiplier of 2.5
  • Yield all frames while aiparty is in a forcemove
  • aiparty.overrideanim is set to true
  • aiparty.animstate is set to 100
  • The Woosh3 sound is played at 0.9 pitch
  • Yield for 0.5 seconds
  • The Woosh4 sound is played
  • The following happens twice in sucession (the Woosh4 sound is played at 1.1 pitch between the 2 iterations):
    • DoDamage is called without attacker to the targgeted enemy with a damageammount of 2 + amount of HelperBoost medals equipped with a Pierce property without block
    • If the targetted enemy's weight is less than 100, Jump is called on its battleentity
    • The targetted enemy's battleentity.spin is set to (0.0, 15.0, 0.0)
    • Yield for 0.5 seconds
  • All frames are yielded while the targetted enemy's battleentity's y position is above 0.15
  • The targetted enemy's battleentity.spin is zeroed out
  • SetDefaultCamera is called
  • aiparty.overrideanim is set to false
  • MoveTowards is called on the aiparty to the starting position saved earlier with a multiplier of 2.0 using animstate 1 (Walk) and stopping at animstate 0 (Idle)
  • Yield all frames while aiparty is in a forcemove
  • aiparty's position is set to the starting position saved earlier


  • aiparty.overrideflip is set to true
  • aiparty.overridejump is set to true
  • The first enemy party member whose position is Ground or Flying will be set as the target (enemydata[0] is set as falback if no enemies exists in either position)
  • MainManager.SetCamera is called with no target, the targetted enemy's battleentity's position as the targetpos, 0.03 as the speed and (0.0, 2.85, -7.5) as the offset
  • MoveTowards is called on the aiparty to the targetted enemy's battleentity's position + (-2.5, 0.0, -0.1) with a multiplier of 2.5
  • Yield all frames while aiparty is in a forcemove
  • aiparty.overrideanim is set to true
  • LockRigid(true) is called to lock the rigid
  • The MakiJump1 sound is played
  • aiparty.animstate is set to 114
  • Yield for 0.45 seconds
  • aiparty.animstate is set to 112
  • The MakiJump2 sound is played
  • instance.campspedd is set to 0.1
  • instance.camoffset is incremented by (0.0, 1.25, -1.25)
  • Over the course of 11 frames (tracked by the game's frametime with a local counter), aiparty's position is lerped from the one it had before the first iteration to the same position incremented by (1.0, 4.0, 0.0) with the factor being the progression of those 11 frames. This essentially makes maki move upward and slightly to the right
  • aiparty.animstate is set to 106
  • The MakiJump3 sound is played
  • Over the course of 11 frames (tracked by the game's frametime with a local counter), aiparty's position is lerped from the one it had before the first iteration to the same position incremented by (0.0, -4.0, 0.0) with the factor being the progression of those 11 frames. This essentially makes maki move down to the position he had before the previous 11 frames lerp
  • DeathSmoke is called with the targgeted enemy's battleentity's position with a size of (2.0, 2.0, 2.0)
  • ShakeScreen is called with an amount of 0.2 for 0.5 frames
  • If the targetted enemy's position isn't Underground (which can only happen if no Ground or Flying enemy party member existed and the first one happened to be Underground), DoDamage is called without attacker to the targgeted enemy with a damageammount of 6 + amount of HelperBoost medals equipped with a Pierce property and no block
  • aiparty.animstate is set to 107
  • 0.65 seconds are yielded
  • aiparty.overrideanim is reset to false
  • LockRigid(false) is called to unlock the rigid
  • SetDefaultCamera is called
  • MoveTowards is called on the aiparty to the starting position saved at the start of the coroutine with a multiplier of 2.0 using animstate 1 (Walk) and stopping at animstate 13 (BattleIdle)
  • All frames are yielded while aiparty is in a forcemove
  • aiparty's position is set to the starting position saved at the start of the coroutine
  • A frame is yielded
  • aiparty.flip is set to true
  • aiparty.overrideflip is set to false

Enemy drop

This section only occurs if a non zero amount of damages was dealt to an enemy party member.

For each targets whose position was Flying while its cantfall is false, the following happens:

  • startdrop is set to true
  • If the targetted enemy party member doesn't have the ToppleAirOnly in its weakness or it does, but with a Topple condition, the following happens on the enemy:
    • StopAllCoroutines is called on the battleentity
    • battleentity.droproutine is set to a new Drop coroutine starting on the battleentity
    • Yield all frames while battleentity.droproutine is in progress
    • The enemy party member's position is set to Ground
  • The enemy party member's entity's droproutine is set to null (it already should be anyway)
  • startdrop is set to false

NOTE: If Gen is the aiparty and they call DoDamage with a Sleep property, it's possible that CalculateBaseDamage requests a drop on the target even if they are on Ground and their cantfall is true. If this happens, the drop won't have anyone set startdrop to true which will cause the game to stall indefinetely


aiattacked is set to true followed by a CheckDead starting.