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This method applies all the static medals effects defined in their data for the whole player party. It belongs to MainManager.

It first starts by resetting instance.speedup (an UNUSED field) to true and instance.maxtp to instance.basetp.

ResetPlayerStats is called on player party member which resets fields to defaults:

Field Value set
lockitems false
lockskills false
locktri false
lockrelayreceive false
maxhp basehp
atk baseatk
def basedef
poisonres 0
sleepres 0
freezeres 0
numbres 0

After, all the BadgeEffects of every applicable medals are applied just as described in the medal effects data documentation.

Finally, is clamped from 0 to instance.maxtp and every player party member's hp is clamped from 0 to their maxhp.