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This method updates avaliabletargets and refreshes the enemy positions when applicable

private void GetAvaliableTargets(bool onlyground, bool onlyfront, int attackid, bool excludeunderground)


  • onlyground: Only include enemy party members with a position of Ground (or Underground if excludeunderground is false)
  • onlyfront: Only the first eligible enemy party member will be included
  • attackid: The skill id or a negative number denoting a player party member's basic attack (-1 is Bee's, -2 is Beetle's and -3 is Moth's)
  • excludeunderground: Excludes all enemies with a position of Underground when onlyground is true. There is an overload without this parameter that sends false


There is a simpler case that is checked first.

If currentaction is SkillList and the AttackArea of the skill from skilldata is AllParty or SingleAlly, availabletargets is set to playerdata which ends the method.


  • RefreshEnemyPos is called which checks all enemy party members whose hp is above 0, whose cantfall is false and whose position is Ground or Flying. If the enemy battleentity.height is above battleentity.minheight + 0.5, the position is set to Flying, Ground otherwise
  • Each enemy party members is checked if it should be included in avaliabletargets. In order for the enemy to be included, all of the following must be true (on top of this, if onlyfront is true, only the first one found is included and the rest skipped):
    • Its position isn't OutOfReach
    • UndergroundCheck returns true for the attackid and the enemy position which only happens if the position isn't Underground or the attackid is among the following: -3 (Moth's basic attack), 21 (FrigidCoffin), 6 (BeetleDig), 27 (IceDrill), 18 (HurricaneBeemerang)
    • The parameters clauses are fufillfed which is checked using the following rules in order:
      • If onlyground is false, it is included
      • Otherwise, if the position is Ground, it is included
      • Otherwise, excludeunderground must be false while position is Underground
  • avaliabletargets is initialised to all the enemy party members included earlier