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This method properly revive a player party member.

private void RevivePlayer(int id, int hp, bool showcounter)


  • id: The playerdata index to revive
  • hp: The hp to set the player party member. If it's negative, the hp will not be changed. NOTE: this should only be done when something else is guaranteed to heal the player party member as failure to do so will lead the hp left dangling at 0 while the actor isn't fully dead
  • showcounter: Whether to call Heal or not as part of the hp increase


  • battleentity.dead is set to false
  • battleentity.iskill is set to false
  • battleentity has LockRigid(false) called on it which unlocks its rigid
  • battleentity.shadow is enabled
  • battleentity.nocondition is set to false
  • The playerdata's turnssincedeath is set to 0
  • If the player party member is included in deadmembers:
    • The playerdata's cantmove is set depending on on conditions:
      • If enemy is true (we are in the enemy phase or later), the value is set to 1 meaning one actor turn is needed for an action to be available
      • Otherwise (we are in the player phase) if the player party member has the LastWind medal equipped while their hp is 4 or lower, the value is set to -1 meaning 2 actor turns become available
      • Otheriwse (we are in the player phase, but the LastWind medal doesn't apply), the value is set to 0 meaning 1 actor turn becomes available
    • ClearStatus is called on the player party member
    • The playerdata's moreturnnextturn is set to 0
    • The playerdata's tired is set to 0
    • battleentity.animstate is set to 13 (BattleIdle)
  • If the sent hp isn't negative:
    • If showcounter is false, the player party member's hp is increased by the sent hp clamped from 0 to its maxhp
    • Otherwise, Heal is called on the player party member with the sent hp amount to heal
  • If battleentity.deathcoroutine is in progress, it is stopped
  • battleentity.deathcoroutine is set to null
  • A ReviveFix coroutine is started with the id sent which will do the following:
    • 0.5 seconds are yielded
    • If battleentity.deathcoroutine is in progress, it is stopped
    • battleentity.deathcoroutine is set to null
    • battleentity.dead is set to false
    • battleentity.iskill is set to false
    • battleentity has LockRigid(false) called on it which unlocks its rigid
    • battleentity.shadow is enabled
  • UpdateAnim is called