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This method increases an actor's hp alongside some visual effects.

private void Heal(ref MainManager.BattleData entity, int? ammount, bool nosound)


  • entity: The actor to heal
  • amount: The amount to heal. If null, it heals by 999
  • nosound: If true, the Heal sound won't be played. There is an overload without this parameter that sends false


  • MainManager.HealParticle is called on the battleentity with a size of and an offset of Vector3.up * the battleentity.height
  • If nosound is false and the Heal sound isn't playing or its more than halfway done player, it is played
  • The actor's hp is increased by amount (or 999 if it's null) clamped from 0 to the actor's maxhp
  • ShowDamageCounter is called with type 1 with the damage amount as the amount healed earlier with the start being the battleentity position + (2.0, 2.0, 2.0) and the end being (5.0, 5.0, 5.0)