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This coroutine is a wrapper around AddNewEnemy in syntax (1) that ends up doing more spawn logic after.

private IEnumerator NewEnemy(int id, Vector3 pos, SpawnAnim animation)


  • id: The enemy id to add
  • position: Where the enemy should initialy be spawned
  • animation: If it's not None (1 or 2), the spawn animation to use for the new enemy. If it's None (0), the coroutine only calls AddNewEnemy and set checkingdead to null


AddNewEnemy is called with the id and position and store the entity locally.

If animation is None (0), the coroutine is done as it only sets checkingdead to null before ending

Otherwise, the following occurs (the entity refered to is the new enemy just added):

  • The Charge sound is played
  • If entity.cotunknown is true:
    • ForceCOT is called on the entity
    • spritebasecolor is set to be pure black at 50% opacity
  • The entity local scale is zeroed out
  • spin is set to (0.0, 25.0, 0.0)
  • During the course of 60.0 frames tracked with a local frame counter (incremented by the game's frametime):
    • entity.animstate is set to 11 (Hurt)
    • entity's local scale is set to a lerp from to a target that depends on the animation with a factor of the ratio of the amount of frames cumulated over 60.0 frames. The target is for an animation of Seed (1) and (0.75, 0.75, 0.75) for SeedMini (2)
    • The local framecounter is advanced
    • A frame is yielded
  • startscale is set to
  • sprite local scale is set to the same target used for the lerping above
  • spin is zeroed out
  • animstate is set to 0 (Idle)
  • If animation is SeedMini (2), hpbar local scale is increased by (0.25, 0.25, 0.25)
  • tempslot is set to the last enemydata
  • checkingdead is set to null and the coroutine ends