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This is defined in MainManager, but it is primarily used for the battle system. It contains all the data associated with an actor, but it primarily augments an EntityControl which is stored in the battleentity field (or the entity field for the overworld version for player party members).

Fields can be intended to be used for only player party members, only enemy party members or any actors depending on the specific field.

Player party members fields

These fields only applies to player party members.


Name Type Description
trueid int The animid of the player party member (learn more why this is equivalent to the animid in the playerdata addressing documentation)


Name Type Description
basehp int The max HP after applying all the statbonus from the initial one (this is initially 7 except for the Beetle animid where it's 9)
hpt int The displayed HUD value of the hp
baseatk int The attack after applying all the statbonus from the initial one (initially 2)
basedef int The defense after applying all the statbonus from the initial one (initially 0)


Name Type Description
skills List The list of available skills, set to the return of RefreshSkills for this player party member
lockskills bool If true, prevents skills to be used
lockitems bool If true, prevents items to be used
haspassed bool If true, this player party member has already relayed which prevents it to relay again
lockrelayreceive bool If true, prevents to be relayed to from another player party member
lockcantmove bool If true, prevents cantmove to be set to 0 (one action available) whenever the MiracleMatter medal triggers. It is set to false after the medal triggers
didnothing bool Tells if the player party member already has chosen to do nothing on a previous action in the same main turn which prevents to benefits from some medals's effects

Special states

Name Type Description
plating bool Tells if the Plating medal is equipped on this player party member and it is active
eatenby EntityControl If not null, this player party member is trapped via eating by the entity corresponding to the value (this is only used when a Pitcher enemy eats a player party member and it not being null is treated the same as having an hp of 0 or below which is death)

Enemy party members fields

These fields only applies to enemy party members. Some of them are relayed to specific enemy features which are documented separately.

Core state

Name Type Description
weakness List<AttackProperty> The list of properties that applies on this enemy party member during the damage pipeline
position BattlePosition The logical battle position frequently used to determine target availability
delayedcondition List A list of conditions (only the BattleCondition part) added by the damage pipeline that will be inflicted later un DoAction


Name Type Description
hardatk int The attack gained when the hard dfficulty scaling applies (this is 0 if it doesn't)


Name Type Description
exp int The amount of EXP given when defeated (see the EXP documentation for details)
fixedexp bool Tells if the exp field should not be scaled and is a fixed number (see the EXP documentation for details)
money int The base amount of berries this enemy party member drops

Action features

Name Type Description
moves int The amount of actions allowed per turn
actimmobile bool When true, it allows the enemy party member to act even if they have a stopping condition. Check the feature documentation to learn more
hitaction bool When set to true, the enemy party member will perform a hitation on the next controlled update flow
onhitaction int If it's 1, hitaction will be set to true when hit. If it's 2, it will only if position is Flying and if it's 3, only if it's Ground
chargeonotherenemy int[] The list of enemy ids that when hit, will cause this enemy to have its hitaction set to true
blockTimes int A DoDamage calls counter when the enemy party member is the target for use with the DoBlock property in their weakness. It is only incremented if they aren't IsStoppedLite (same as IsStopped, but the Flipped condition doesn't count)

Guard feature

Name Type Description
defenseonhit int The amount to increase the defense when isdefending is true
isdefending bool Tells if the enemy party member is guarding which increases its effective defense by defenseonhit (It can also affect hitaction if it's -1, check the feature documentation to learn more)

Conditional EventDialogue

Name Type Description
eventondeath int The EventDialogue id to trigger during CheckDead when it detects that the enemy party member died. -1 means no EventDialogue will occur
eventonfall int The EventDialogue to trigger when the enemy party member falls to the ground when sustaining damage (meaning Drop is called on the battleentity as a result of sustaining damage). -1 means no EventDialogue will occur

Override features

Name Type Description
cantfall bool If true, the enemy party member cannot fall to the ground as a result of sustaining damage in CalculateBaseDamage
lockposition bool Similar to cantfall for CalculateBaseDamage specifically, but it takes effect even if the enemy party member's position isn't Flying
notaunt bool If true, the enemy party member cannot be inflicted by the Taunted condition from the player party (this doesn't remove the logic, see the documentation of the feature to learn more)
notattle bool Tells if the enemy party member is not spy-able (this can be overriden to true, see the documentation about special fields logic for details)

Death behavior

Name Type Description
fled bool If true, it indicates the enemy party member fled the battle which is seen the same way than if the hp reached 0 during CheckDead which means it's the same than dying, but with less logic involved to kill the enemy party member
notired bool If true, the enemy party member will not cumulated any tired (meaning it can't gain exhaustion) whenever the DoublePain medal is not equipped. NOTE: This doesn't cover HARDEST correctly, see the EndEnemyTurn documentation to learn more
deathtype int Dictates the manner in which the enemy party member dies
diebyitself bool If true, it means the enemy party member will die if all of the ones left have this field set to true automatically when CheckDead detects this situation after it had killed any other enemy party members. This is done by setting the hp to 0 manually before running a second check on all enemy party members which will kill them
alreadycounted bool Indicates to CheckDead that the enemy party member was already killed prior and therefore, shouldn't cause another increment of the bestiary entry's defeat counter the next time the enemy party member dies
destroyentity bool If the enemy party member fled and this is true while the fleeing is found by CheckDead, the battleentity will be disabled as part of the killing process

Size calculation

Name Type Description
size float The width used for calculating positioning in battle
initialsize float The initial size value of the enemy party member. size will be set to this value when BreakIce is called on the battleentity
sizeonfreeze float The size returned by GetEnemySize when the enemy party member has the Freeze condition instead of its size

Visual modifiers

Name Type Description
hidehp bool Tells if its battleentity.hpbar should always be hidden even after spying
weight float A visual modifier to apply when animating the enemy when it gets hurt by certain attacks

General purpose

Name Type Description
data int[] General purpose data array for use in DoAction
extrastuff Transform[] A general purspose transforms array for use in DoAction

Visual rendering

Name Type Description
battlepos Vector3 The resting battle position of the enemy party members used only in an EventDialogue
entityname string The SetText string of its name

Conditions specific

Name Type Description
ate EntityControl The entity this enemy party member is trapping via eating (this is only used for the Pitcher enemy)
frostbitep ParticleSystem An instance of Prefabs/Particles/Snowflakes childed to the battleentity that is initialised whenever the Freeze condition is added as a delayed condition

Common actor fields

These fields applies to actors from either parties.


Name Type Description
battleentity EntityControl The entity used during the battle
entity EntityControl For a player party member, the overworld entity. For an enemy party member, the same than battleentity


Name Type Description
animid int For an enemy, the enemy id. For a player, the same as the trueid (learn more in the playerdata addressing documentation)


Name Type Description
hp int The HP, (for a player party member, this is clamped from 0 to maxhp)
maxhp int The maximum amount of HP (for a player party member, this is basehp after all medal effects applied)
atk int The attack (for a player party member, this is baseatk after all medal effects applied)
def int The base defense (for a player party member, this is basedef after all medal effects applied)

Actor turn tracking

Name Type Description
cantmove int The amount of actor turns that needs to pass until an action is possible. 0 Means one action is possible and anything negative further adds possible actions on the same main turn
moreturnnextturn int When above 0, on the next main turn, the actor's cantmove will be decreased by it which gives it this amount of additional actor turns available

Conditions tracking

Name Type Description
condition List The list of condition applied. Each element is an array of 2 elements, the first being the BattleCondition id and the second being the amount of actor turns it is in effect
freezeres int The Freeze resistance
poisonres int The Poison resistance
numbres int The Numb resistance
sleepres int The Sleep resistance
isasleep bool Tells if the actor has a Sleep condition, updated at multiple places
isnumb bool Tells if the actor has a Numb condition, updated at multiple places
frozenlastturn bool Tells if the actor still had the Freeze condition after their last actor turn advance via AdvanceTurnEntity
atkdownonloseatkup bool If true, the actor will get an AttackDown condition inflicted the next time an AttackUp condition runs out of main turns

Damage modifiers

Name Type Description
tired int The amount of exhaustion cumulated which have an impact in CalculateBaseDamage
charge int The amount of charges cumulated which have an impact in CalculateBaseDamage

Item holding

Name Type Description
holditem int The item id the actor is holding. Defaults to -1 which is no item held. For enemy party members, see the holditem feature documentation
helditem SpriteRenderer The sprite of the item held by the actor whose id is holditem
cursoroffset Vector3 The offset to apply to the cursor when selecting this actor
itemoffset Vector3 The offset to render the item relative to the entity

Alive and death turn tracking

Name Type Description
turnssincedeath int The amount of main turns since death, 0 if the actor is alive
turnsalive int The amount of main turns since the battle started or their last death if any occured


Name Type Description
locktri bool If true, prevents relay to be used for a player party member. For an enemy party members, the meaning differs and depends on the specific enemy

Unused fields

These fields are never referenced or never used in any meaningful ways.

Name Type Description
tiredpart ParticleSystem UNUSED
noblock bool UNUSED
pointer int UNUSED, This field is maintained to be the same value as partypointer, but by indexing playerdata instead. This means that playerdata[X].pointer is the same than partypointer[X] where X is a valid playerdata index. In practice, this field is only written into making it unused
turnsnodamage int UNUSED
hardhp int UNUSED
harddef int UNUSED
lv int UNUSED
id int UNUSED (only read from DoAction, but never written to so it stays at 0)
noexpatstart bool UNUSED (intended for enemy party members only, only read during damage pipeline, but never written to so it always have the value false)