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A stopping condition that will heal the attacker on each actor turn and be removed on most attacks due to waking up (with caveats, see CalculateBaseDamage documentation for details). It also allows the target to process a HeavySleeper medal which can prevent waking up, halve the damage amount and heal for more per actor turn.

About isasleep

This condition feature a field that tells if it's present or not called isasleep. However, it's redundant: a HasCondition call gives the same information. It is nonetheless used in very specific edgecases instead of calling this method. The field is frequently updated to match the presence of the condition so in practice, this field can be ignored and treated as if a HasCondition returns above 0. Calling HasCondition also may set isasleep to true if it has the condition (only if it is the condition seeked or it occurs before the seeked one).

It is mentioned here because it remains important to make sure this field is updated if the condition's presence changes.


This condition has a dedicated resistance field for actors to use: sleepres. If it's 100 or above, the actor is immune to it. Inflictions that requires a resistance check will use this field.

Resistance increases for player party members

For player party member, the resistance can only be increased by processing the SleepRes BadgeEffects with the value acting as the amount to increase it by. This only matters for enemy inflicting the player party member, it does not matter for user infliction using items.

Resistance increases for enemy party members

For player party member target when property is Sleep and when successfully inflicting this condition, CalculateBaseDamage, target.sleepres is increased by 9. The increase is 13 instead if HardMode returns true


This condition is considered a stop condition and will always make this method returns true (unless skipimmobile is false while the actor'a actimmobile is true). This include the lite version used in the enemy phase. Being stopped makes the actor unable to act regardless of their cantmove as well as a bunch of feature they no longer get access to.


This condition makes a player party member not count as free. This affects many logic such as knowing if a player can act.


When amending the condition:

  • If the actor is an enemy party member, isdefending is set to false and the infliction overwrites the turn counter to the new one (meaning it won't stack)
  • If the actor is a player party member, the infliction overwrites the turn counter if the new one is higher (meaning it won't stack, it can just reset it to a higher amount). An exception to this is when using an item that inflicted it which makes it stack

When inflicted as a new condition, if the actor is an enemy party member, its isdefending is set to false.


This condition supports delayed infliction via AddDelayedCondition. Check its documentation to learn more.


This condition is supported by this method and it might be inflicted to the actor when called.

GetChoiceInput (Relay -> SelectPlayer)

This condition will deny the confirmation of a player party member when selecting who to relay to when handling the Relay choice for a SelectPlayer action.


This condition overrides block to be false meaning blocking is always denied for a player party member with this condition.


This condition may be inflicted if the property is Sleep. This means it's also supported by the StatusMirror medal.

This condition prevents toppling on enemy party members with a ToppleFirst or ToppleAirOnly AttackProperty in their weakness.

In DefaultDamageCalc, this condition allows the HeavySleeper medal to process by dividing the damage amount by 2 floored.

This condition my be removed during CalculateBaseDamage or after its return in DoDamage damage calculation from a target with it after when sustaining damages under certain conditions (with caveats, check the methods's documentation to learn more). Notably, it won't happen if the target has the HeavySleeper medal. NOTE: If DoDamage decides to wake up the target, there is a known issue when setting their cantmove value. Check DoDamage's documentation to learn more.


All enemy party members who still have this condition on EndPlayerTurn without actimmobile will have their cantmove set to 1. NOTE: It means removing the condition on the same main turn it was inflicted may leave the cantmove at 1 even if the enemy party member should have been able to act during their phase.


When the condition is processed (when hp is above 0, but less than maxhp):

  • A heal amount is determined with a starting value of the actor's maxhp * 0.1 ceiled. If the HeavySleeper medal is equipped on the actor, the amount is tripled. On top of this, if it's not a player party member, the amount is clamped from 0 to 4
  • ShowDamageCounter is called with type 1 (HP) with the amount determined earlier with a start of the actor position + its cursoroffset and an end of Vector3.up
  • The actor's hp is incremented by the amount determined earlier clamped from 0 to the actor's maxhp
  • The Heal sound is played
  • A yield of 0.75 seconds is set to happen after the method is done
  • The turn counter of the condition is decremented
  • If the condition just expired, the actor's cantmove is set to 1 (this will become 0 if their hp is above 0 since turn advancement has yet to happen)
  • isasleep is updated accordingly with the new status of the condition and if it's still true, the cantmove of the actor is set to 1 if it's an enemy party members and to 0 if it's a player party members. NOTE: It means removing the condition for enemy party members may leave the cantmove at 1 even if the enemy party member should have been able to act during their phase


Removing this condition via this method will have the actor's isasleep set to false.


For all alive (hp above 0 and not dead) player party members with this condition and whose battleentity.overrideanim is false, their battleentity.animstate is set to 14 (Sleep).


This condition may cause the actor's battleentity.animstate to be set to 14 (Sleep). Check the method's documentation for more details.


For all alive (hp above 0) player party members with this condition and whose battleentity.overrideanim is false, their battleentity.animstate may set to 14 (Sleep).

For all alive (hp above 0) enemy party members with this condition alongside Flipped and whose droproutine isn't in progress, their battleentity.animstate is set to 25 (SleepFallen) instead of 15 (Fallen). If they don't have Flipped, it may be set to 14 (Sleep).

Check the method's documentation to learn more.