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A condition that deals non lethal damage (more than Poison) every main turn while it is active that may be inflicted in CalculateBaseDamage if property is Fire (without a resistance field) featuring a Prefabs/Particles/Flame as a firepart.


When amending the condition, the turn counter is always increased by absolute value of the sent one / 2.0 ceiled (this means it stacks, but by around half of the sent turns amount).

When inflicted as a new condition, nothing special happens.


This condition may be inflicted if the property is Fire. This means it's also supported by the StatusMirror medal. It does not use a resistance field, check the method's documentation to learn more on the conditions needed for the infliction to work.


When the condition is processed (when hp is above 0 and there is at least one enemy party member):

  • The Flame sound is played
  • DoDamage is called to the actor with no attacker with a NoExceptions property without block. The damageammount is the player party member's maxhp / 7.5 ceiled - 1 and then clamped from 2 to 3. The call also has these overrides:
    • NoFall,
    • NoIceBreak,
    • FakeAnim,
    • DontAwake,
    • IgnoreNumb
  • If the actor's hp became 0, battleentity.overrideanim is set to false followed by an OverrideOver call being invoked on the battleentity in 1.0 seconds
  • The actor's hp is clamped from 1 to its maxhp
  • A yield of 0.75 seconds is set to happen after the method is done


This condition will have the battleentity.sprite.material.color to be set to a lerp from the existing one to 0xBF5919 (bright orange) with a factor of 1/5 of the frametime. Check the documentation of the method to learn more about how the alpha channel is determined.

This condition includes the initialisation of the actor's firepart as a new instance of Prefabs/Particles/Flame childed to the sprite with a DelAftBtl tag and a local position of Vector3.up.


This condition will cause the currentturn player party member to have its battleentity.animstate set to 20 (WeakPickAction) instead of (PickAction) when its battleentity.overrideanim is false.

This condition may cause the other player party members to have their battleentity.animstate set to 17 (WeakBattleIdle) instead of 13 (BattleIdle). Check the method's documentation to learn more on the specifics.