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An input prompt of a concealed input that is only revealed after a certain amount of timepoints passes. The goal of the command is to press the input when it is revealed on the last timepoint within 45.0 frames. If any other game inputs (even those outside of the random pool) are pressed during those 45.0 frames or if multiple inputs are pressed at the same time than the correct one or if no inputs is pressed, the command is a failure.

timer usage

This is the amount of frames between the timepoints with the exception of the last one which always takes 45.0 frames. -1.0 is not supported and will result in a failure of the command.

data array

  • data[0]: Decides the sets of inputs in the random pool:
    • 0.0: Random between 4 and 6 inclusive (Confirm, Cancel and Switch party)
    • 1.0: Random between 0 and 3 inclusive (only the 4 directional inputs)
    • 2.0: Random between 0 and 6 inclusive
  • data[1]: The amount of timepoints to use including the last one. NOTE: This must be higher than 1 or an exception will be thrown

DoCommand Setup phase

  • presskey is set to a value that depends on data[0] (check the data array section above for details)
  • commandsprites is set to a new array with 2 + data[1] elements where the first one is the SpriteRenderer of a new UI object named barholder childed to the GUICamera with a local position of (-7.0, 1.0, 10.0), scale of using the guisprites[62] sprite (UI bar container) with a sortorder of 0
  • CreatePips(2) is called which initialises each elements of commandsprites after the second one (if any exists) to be the SpriteRenderer of a new UI object named pointX where X is the index of the element childed to commandsprites[0] with a local position of (x, 0.0, 0.0) where x is a lerp from 0.0 to 4.5 with the factor being the ratio of element's index - 2 over commandsprites.length - 3, scale of (0.5, 0.5, 1.0) (or if it's the last element) using the guisprites[59] sprite (a white cirlce) (or guisprites[42] (white hexagon) if it's the last element) with a sortorder of 1 + the element's index and a color of 7F7F7F (fully opaque gray)
  • letters is set to a new array of one element childed to the last commandsprites which has the following initialisation:
    • SetFont is called on it with fontid 0 (BubblegumSans)
    • text of ?
    • local position of
    • scale of (0.1, 0.1, 1.0)
    • layer of 5 (UI)
    • anchor of MiddleCenter
    • MeshRenderer has a sortingOrder of 30
  • buttons is set to a new array with one element being the ButtonSprite of a new GameObject named Button (disabled for now) which has SetUp called on it with the following:
    • buttonid: presskey
    • onlytype: -1
    • description: empty
    • position: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    • iconsise: (0.75, 0.75, 0.75)
    • sortorder: 50
    • parentobj: The last commandsprites

DoCommand Execution phase

This begins by yielding for 0.15 seconds.

From there, the entire execution is contained in a loop that runs for data[1] + 1 times. The loop is only exited when an outcome has been determined.

Before inner timer loop

  • timer gets set to initialtimer
  • If this is the last loop iteration, the input is revealed by doing the following:
    • The ACReady sound is played
    • timer gets set to 45.0
    • buttons[0] gets enabled (this reveals the input to press)
    • letters[0] (the ?) gets destroyed if it's still present

Inner timer loop

Most of the core logic of the command occurs between 2 timepoints which is tracked by this inner loop. It goes on until timer expires.

What happens here depends if it's the last outer iteration or not. If it's not, timer gets decreased by the game's frametime and a frame is yielded (this is basically just an idle loop).

If it's the last outer iteration however, 3 possible things can happen (mutually exclusive, the first one happens per inner loop iteration):

  • If presskey is pressed without hold and it is the only one pressed without hold, the commmand is a success:
    • commandsuccess is set to true
    • doingaction is set to false (this will be interpreted as DoCommand being done, but it isn't technically done. This however shouldn't matter in practice because the rest of the coroutine is just cleanup so it is logically done)
    • The command breaks out of the timer loop
  • Otherwise, if any of the game's recognised inputs is pressed except presskey, the command is a failure:
    • commandsuccess is set to false
    • doingaction is set to false (this will be interpreted as DoCommand being done, but it isn't technically done. This however shouldn't matter in practice because the rest of the coroutine is just cleanup so it is logically done)
    • The command breaks out of the timer loop
  • If neither of the above applies, this is just an idle iteration where timer is decreased by the game's frametime followed by a frame yield

After timer loop

The corresponding commandsprites of the current timepoint has its color set to pure yellow and if it's not the last iteration, the ACBeep sound is played.