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A prompt to press the Confirm input timed in such a way that a cursor who goes back and forth on a bar lands in a specific target area. The goal of the command is to hit the input when the cursor falls in that area. The command is failed when the cursor falls outside of the target or if the input isn't pressed before timer expires. This command features forgiveness logic in demomode where it is impossible to fail the command.

timer usage

This is the amount of frames allowed before considering the commmand a failure (not applicable in demomode) when data[3] is 2.0 (being higher or lower means that a "frame" takes more or less time). -1.0 is not supported for this command and will result in an immediate failure of the command.

data array

  • data[0]: The lower bound of the starting bar target area in percentage (from 0.0 to 100.0)
  • data[1]: The upper bound of the starting bar target area in percentage (from 0.0 to 100.0)
  • data[2]: The length of the bar target area in percentage (from 0.0 to 100.0)
  • data[3]: The fraction of the game's frametime to decrease timer by on each frame. It also serve as a multiplier to how fast the cursor moves back and forth. An expected value for this is 2.0 because timer gets doubled which would compensate for this.

DoCommand Setup phase

  • presskey is set to 4 (Confirm)
  • buttons is set to a new array with one element being the ButtonSprite of a new GameObject named Button which has SetUp called on it with the following:
    • buttonid: presskey
    • onlytype: -1
    • description: empty
    • position: (-0.8, 1.0, 10.0)
    • iconsise: (0.75, 0.75, 0.75)
    • sortorder: 2
    • parentobj: GUICamera
  • internaldata is set to a new array of 2 elements:
    • 0: A random float between data[0] and data[1]
    • 1: 0.0
  • commandsprites is set to a new array with 4 elements:
    • 0: The SpriteRenderer of a new UI object named barbottom childed to the GUICamera with a local position of (-7.0, 1.0, 10.0), scale of (5.0, 1.0, 1.0) using the guisprites[58] sprite (a white small bar) with a sortorder of 0 and a color of clear (all transparent black)
    • 1: The SpriteRenderer of a new UI object named barmiddle childed to the commandsprites[0] with a local position of (internaldata[0] / 100.0, 0.0, 0.0), scale of (data[2] / 100.0, 1.0, 1.0) using the guisprites[58] sprite (a white small bar) with a sortorder of 1 and a color of 60E275 (mostly clear green)
    • 2: The SpriteRenderer of a new UI object named cursor childed to the commandsprites[0] with a local position of (0.0, 0.25, 0.0), scale of (0.45, 0.1, 1.0) using the cursorsprite[0] sprite (the leaf cursor sprite) with a sortorder of 2 and with angles of (0.0, 0.0, 270.0) which rotates it such that it is pointing down
    • 3: The SpriteRenderer of a new UI object named barholder childed to the GUICamera with a local position of (-7.0, 1.0, 10.0), scale of using the guisprites[62] sprite (a small UI bar container) with a sortorder of 0

DoCommand Execution phase

This execution mostly occurs in a while loop with logic before and after.

Before timer loop

  • 0.35 seconds are yielded
  • The Crosshair sound is played on sounds[9] with 0.9 pitch and 0.25 volume on loop
  • timer is doubled (this compensate for the expected value of 2.0 of data[3])
  • A temptimer local float is set to 0.0 which tracks where the cursor should fall into in relation to initialtimer

timer loop

This is a while loop that executes as long as timer hasn't expired yet:

  • commandsprites[2] (the cursor) local x position gets set to temptimer / initialtimer
  • If presskey is pressed without hold, there are 3 possible scenarios (mutually exclusive, the first one applies):
    • If commandsprites[2] (the cursor) local x position * 100.0 is between internaldata[0] and internaldata[0] + data[2] (meaning it's in the target area), the command succeeds by doing the following:
      • commandsuccess is set to true
      • buttons[0].basesprite.color is set to 7F7F7F (gray fully opaque)
      • doingaction is set to false (this will be interpreted as DoCommand being done, but it isn't technically done. This however shouldn't matter in practice because the rest of the coroutine is just cleanup so it is logically done)
      • sounds[9] (the Crosshair sound) is stopped
      • A second is yielded
      • Break out of the loop
    • Otherwise, if we are in demomode, PlayBuzzer is called. This is the forgiveness feature because this would have normally failed the command
    • Otherwise (the cursor is outside of the target while we aren't in demomode), the command is failed by doing the following:
      • doingaction is set to false (this will be interpreted as DoCommand being done, but it isn't technically done. This however shouldn't matter in practice because the rest of the coroutine is just cleanup so it is logically done)
      • sounds[9] (the Crosshair sound) is stopped
      • A second is yielded
      • Break out of the loop
  • timer is decreased by a fraction of the game's frametime contained in data[3] (this is normally 2.0 which compensates from the fact its value was doubled earlier)
  • temptimer is incremented by a fraction of the game's frametime. This fraction is data[3], but if timer / initialtimer is 1.0 or lower (meaning the cursor is on the way back), the fraction is -1 * data[3] instead so it will decrease instead of increasing
  • If we are in demomode while the timer expired, timer is reset to initialtimer * 2.0 and temptimer is reset to 0.0. This essentially restarts the command as if nothing happened without failing
  • A frame is yielded

After timer loop

  • sounds[9] (the Crosshair sound) is stopped