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An UNUSED and broken simple key press prompt. This command cannot be succeeded.

NOTE: This action command's logic is broken and is UNUSED under normal gameplay, but the logic remains present

data array

  • data[0]: The input id to prompt a press for without hold
  • data[1]: If higher than 0.0, commandsprites[0] is disabled. This is optional, commandsprites[0] remains enabled if no value exists

DoCommand Setup phase

  • presskey is set to data[0]
  • commandsprites is set to a new SpriteRenderer array with one element being the SpriteRenderer of a new UI object named Button childed to the GUICamera with a local position of (-6.0, 1.4, 10.0), scale of (1.3, 1.3, 1.3) using the guisprites[42] sprite (white hexagon) with a sortorder of 20
  • If data[1] exists and is higher than 0.0, commandsprites[0] is disabled

DoCommand Execution phase

First, a local inputcooldown variable is initialsed to 0.0.

From there, there the whole logic happens inside a while loop that terminates whenever killinput gets set to true which only happens when a result was decided (NOTE: this doesn't do anything in practice because a manual break is done in these cases anyway). This is what happens inside the loop:

  • If caninputcooldown is above 0.0, commandsprites[0].color is set to pure yellow or to BFBFBF (light gray) otherwise. NOTE: this field isn't initialised by then and it will most likely be 0.0 already
  • If the key whose id is presskey is pressed (no hold), the input is only accepted if caninputcooldown is above 0.0 and the local inputcooldown is 0 or below. If this isn't respected, the input is rejected and instead, the local inputcooldown is set to 20.0. NOTE: since caninputcooldown can't get above 0.0 here, this means it is impossible to have the input process, but because it was the only way to succeed the command, it means it's impossible to succeed this command. If it was going to be accepted, the following would have happened:
    • doingaction is set to false
    • commandsuccess is set to true
    • caninputcooldown is set to 0.0
    • 1 second is yielded
    • killinput is set to true
    • The logic breaks out of the loop
  • Otherwise (presskey wasn't pressed without hold), if any keys are pressed (input -4), the command is failed by doing the following:
    • commandsuccess is set to false
    • killinput is set to true
    • doingaction is set to false
    • caninputcooldown is set to 0.0
    • 1 second is yielded
    • The logic breaks out of the loop
  • If the local inputcooldown is above 0.0, it is decreased by the game's frametime
  • caninputcooldown is decreased by the game's frametime. NOTE: this happens even if it is 0.0 or below
  • A frame is yielded

After the loop is done, commandsprites[0].color is set to BFBFBF (light gray).